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Dealing with the Hooded rider

Peoples Champ

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With the new hooded rider figure out now I guess we will be seeing him turn up on the table in the future. he has some nice abilities so thought it wise to discuss from a guild viewpoint how we deal with him.

Most player will tend to run him up using his ability Passage of Time, the ‘Night’ version that states under Darkness: Cannot be targeted by ranged attacks.

I was wondering if lady Js spell Blind Justice would help?

‘Friendly models ignore increases in Rg and Df, and any duels required from spells or talents to target models’

I guess as there is no duel to target the Hooded rider it would not apply.

So if that is the case how can you stop this guy from a guild point of view?

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Dispel Magic and Spellbreaker won't work against the Hooded Rider. Passage of Time is a Talent, and Night is part of that talent. Dispelling Passage of time would be like Dispelling Immune to Influence on Perdita.

I think the best way to deal with the Hooded Rider is also the simplest - melee.

The Hooded Rider is very much a hit and run minion, and despite the regeneration he's really not that difficult to kill (just compare him to any of the other 50mm Neverborn monsters). A few good hits will probably finish him off, just so long as you can get those hits in before it pushes out of range with mounted combat.

If your opponent has half a brain he's not going to charge into Lady Justice or the executioner. Anyone who does that either deserves the loss or has some specific (and cunning!) plan in mind. At best your opponent will use it to engage any stragglers, or hit your crew when your melee specialists are either out of range or otherwise engaged with something else.

So if you're concerned about the Hooded Rider, the best approach would be to take a crew that doesn't focus solely on shooting, and try to keep your crew together so that they can support each other in melee if the Hooded Rider tries to hit them. Failing that, at least keep your crew divided into groups of 2-3 minions so that the Hooded Rider will have a hard time killing anything without taking alot of damage in return.

And failing that, take a single minion (Austringer? Witchling Stalker?) and stick him all on his own on one flank. It'd be an irresistable target for the Hooded Rider and if he takes the bait, the bulk of your crew will be free to ignore him and focus on the rest of your opponents crew.

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Dispel Magic and Spellbreaker won't work against the Hooded Rider. Passage of Time is a Talent, and Night is part of that talent. Dispelling Passage of time would be like Dispelling Immune to Influence on Perdita.

I think the best way to deal with the Hooded Rider is also the simplest - melee.

The Hooded Rider is very much a hit and run minion, and despite the regeneration he's really not that difficult to kill (just compare him to any of the other 50mm Neverborn monsters). A few good hits will probably finish him off, just so long as you can get those hits in before it pushes out of range with mounted combat.

If your opponent has half a brain he's not going to charge into Lady Justice or the executioner. Anyone who does that either deserves the loss or has some specific (and cunning!) plan in mind. At best your opponent will use it to engage any stragglers, or hit your crew when your melee specialists are either out of range or otherwise engaged with something else.

So if you're concerned about the Hooded Rider, the best approach would be to take a crew that doesn't focus solely on shooting, and try to keep your crew together so that they can support each other in melee if the Hooded Rider tries to hit them. Failing that, at least keep your crew divided into groups of 2-3 minions so that the Hooded Rider will have a hard time killing anything without taking alot of damage in return.

And failing that, take a single minion (Austringer? Witchling Stalker?) and stick him all on his own on one flank. It'd be an irresistable target for the Hooded Rider and if he takes the bait, the bulk of your crew will be free to ignore him and focus on the rest of your opponents crew.

Agree 100%.

Melee him and he will go down, just beware that he will hit and run a lot. He rarely wants to stay still and slog it out with you. But if he does, watch out for Flurry and Noon as he will be doing a lot of damage and hurting you each time you hit him in melee.

I guess the hardest part is catching him. So if you happen to have Lady J, she can do a huge number to him and keep up with him.

Otherwise, try to bait him into you to kill him, or away form your main force so he leaves you alone. Whatever works in the end as long as he doesn't end up in your face or in your but.

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