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Which master benefits from discard?


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So I'm running this in a 35 pt game:

Crew Cost: 32/35 Remaining: 3 Soulstones: 3

Name Cost

Witchling Stalker 4

Witchling Stalker 4

Witchling Stalker 4

Executioner 7

Nino Ortega 7

Convict Gunslinger 6

If you know you're stats/abilities you'll notice that every single model here can force your opponent to discard from their hand.

What master should I run with this?

Perdita will be pretty good if they don't have a hand to cheat with. They'll never hit that 8 DF.

Sonnia can Absorb Magic / Disassemble for even more discard.

Lady J... I'm sure she brings something, but what?

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Well, all Guild Masters can benefit from your opponent loosing control cards. I think Perdita would be the best choice to give you more of serous ranged threat as you move into melee with the Witchling Stalkers and the Executioner. The list seems well-rounded. Though it has mostly average close-combat damage it does have damage in numbers.

Even with everything that can mill a hand you still need to get :crows for most of the triggers so don't underestimate your opponent.

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Even with everything that can mill a hand you still need to get :crows for most of the triggers so don't underestimate your opponent.

Yes, I won't forget this, but I think even without a hand full of crows, the list is still solid.

I won't be able to throw around discard like crazy, but the Executioner and Stalkers should be able to tie stuff up while Nino, Convict, and Perdita shoot stuff to hell.

My book 2 is in the mail, is there anything interesting in there I have to look forward to, Guild/Discard wise?

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Jack Daw.

Drop the executioner, drop some witchling stalkers, drop anything. If you want to take advantage of discard, make sure you get him into your list.

The issue with that is that those are the models that do the discarding in the list, if you drop them then you don't have the discarding base you need, also jack daw kinda a one trick pony that does not play well with others.

Head shoot, decapatate and disassemble is what you want to get off when there hands are gone, just flat out killing models.

Dont get me wrong heart stopper is good, but it is the same in the end as Head shoot, decapatate and disassemble. I think that in the end you will end up discarding more cards then you want keeping jack alive, you are also offering an extra VP point and he will cost you 10SS just to hire him. Possable in 45 or Brawl sized games not really seeing him in this list in scrap games.

Just MHO.


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My book got here today, and Jack Daw doesn't look the least bit appetizing.

At 10 points I'm having to lose too many models to fit him in. Which wouldn't be such a big deal, except that all my models already fit my theme, so he wouldn't really be adding anything theme wise. Also, number of activations can be key, and I wouldn't want to drop the number of Stalkers it would take to fit him.

I think a well played Executioner will be the key to this list, as his Decapitate ability deals damage and causes discard.

I'm sad there isn't anything in Rising Powers that peaks my interest for this theme.

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My book got here today, and Jack Daw doesn't look the least bit appetizing.

At 10 points I'm having to lose too many models to fit him in. Which wouldn't be such a big deal, except that all my models already fit my theme, so he wouldn't really be adding anything theme wise. Also, number of activations can be key, and I wouldn't want to drop the number of Stalkers it would take to fit him.

I think a well played Executioner will be the key to this list, as his Decapitate ability deals damage and causes discard.

I'm sad there isn't anything in Rising Powers that peaks my interest for this theme.

Well I would look at the Hunter model and its arrest ablity. I know other models have this ablity but the hunter model has it and is only 6ss.

Lawyers could be intresting two with Censure, I mean cast it on Hans and say he cant shoot, see how meny cards get discarded. Or tell Lilith she make combat actions when she is in combat. Its another discarding tool.

But like I said before i agree that Jack draw is just not that intresting.

I still hold by that Sonia is the best master for the job not just because she can force discards herself but also an opponet not having cards to cheat with makes her spells that much more powerful.


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