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Mini-Swamp Terrain Piece


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Hey all, my bayou crew prompted me to make some swamp terrain pieces based on a TUTORIAL I found online. I thought they turned out pretty well, so I figured I'd share a couple of picture.

I made two pieces, but this is just the first one because I haven't added the finishing leaves to the other one yet (but it's basically the same just with different stump and island configurations).






The one major complaint I have with what I've done is that I used a basic cardstock, such as for printing business cards, to cover the entirety of the CD and thus closing up the center hole. However, this was not strong enough to handle the drying Water Effect liquid. As the liquid dried it pulled the cardstock up slightly away from the CD so I have a slight bump/ridge in the center of the piece. A minor problem, but it mars an otherwise pretty nice project.

Oh, and I'd have made several of the mushroom much shorter, their stems are unrealistically long. Live and learn :)

Hope you enjoy!


Update #1 - Desolated Forest

Rather than creating a new thread I figured I'd just start a log here. This is the latest terrain feature I've finished. Didn't turn out quite as well as I'd hoped, mainly because the sticks wouldn't shatter the way I really wanted them too, but still I'm relatively pleased. These will function as some Ht:3 Obscuring, Soft Cover terrain features, essentially forests but being "desolated" (shattered half-trunks rather than full trees) they're much easier to transport and move figures through.








Update #2 - Minefield






Edited by Darguth
Update #2 - Minefield
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These are a good start, might suggest adding some yellowish color static grass to break up the green and make things a bit more realistic. You could also try adding some fall colored (oragne and red) fine clump foliage to simulate the decaying swamp floor.

Ya, I was just working with the foliage materials I'd bought previously. Between investing in the new game and everything I didn't want to splurge too much on terrain. I'd definitely consider getting some yellow tall grass and some lighter static grasses in the future though, 'cause I agree that the green was slightly monotonous.

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Very nice. It's also cool to add some detritus to the swamp before you poor the water effect in to show stuff in the water. The leaves would work and sunflower roots work really great as small fallen trees / branches in the water.

Depending on where you are, now's the time to get them. They're just garbage / compost to most places that grow them and if you ask, they'll let you take some.

On the same note, if you go pumpkin picking, collect some of the pumpkin stems lying around. Just cut them to size and rip out some of the inside to create very realistic tree stumps.

Edited by dgraz
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They look like birch seeds to me.

Well, they're not actually the seeds, they're the plates of the seed-bearing female cone of birch trees.

Find a birch tree cone (like a very small, soft pine cone) and run your fingers down it against the grain. The cone will quickly fall apart. Depending on the season and if the cone has already dropped it's seeds already, you'll end up with 2 component parts:

1.) Seeds - These look like thin translucent petals with a dark eye in the center.

2.) Plates - These are what I used for the leaves here. They are semi-hard, three-pronged plates.

Think of them as the hard parts of a pine cone, only much smaller and softer and they're shaped a little different. A single birch tree cone will probably yield you dozens if not hundreds of the plates, so you don't need too many and it'll last for any projects you might have in mind. I just squeeze out a small glop of my super-glue and used tweezers to dip the plates slightly into the glue on one side and then placed them where I wanted them on the terrain feature.

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love it, only that one huge mushroom keeps pulling my eye away from the whole thing

but that may be just me

No, I hear ya. I wasn't sure how much of the mushroom stems would be obscured by the eventually placed static grass so I didn't want them too short and then get buried, but several ended up FAR too long.

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Fantastic work there. Have seen quite a few different terrain pieces using CDs to great effect. May have to invest in some CD terrain. (or use my old MC Hammer collection - just kidding)


Use the MC Hammer! Then when you have your terrain out you can tell people "Can't touch this!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update #2 - Minefield : In first post!

I've been on a roll, two terrain pieces in two nights. Not too shabby considering I'm a full-time software professional too (I think my work is driving me to do something fun with my time :D)!

Anyway, I've been wanting to make these minefields for quite awhile so I'm glad to have one finished. I was going to make these for W40k originally, but I think they'll be even more interesting in Malifaux where there are so many Push effects ::evil grin::

So, I'm debating if I want to add the fallen leaf cover to this piece like I did for the swamp and forest pieces. I'm just not sure if you'd find too many leaves in an open field. Opinions?

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