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Hi everyone!

I'm here due to my local gaming store putting the Malifaux box sets next to the Warmachine models. I flipped through the books a few times, but what really got me interested in the game was the use of cards instead of dice. Kirai being released sealed the deal, and now I'm waiting for her box set to arrive in the mail :3

My fiance is also going to be playing too, I think he's looking to play either Seamus, the creepy little boy whose box isn't out yet or Colette.

Besides miniature games, I play most tabletop RPGs and video games. My dream is to one day work on a game that is enjoyed by my peers.

To this end, I'm a design student at my local college. I have only a few classes left and then I'll be done!

It's nice to meet everyone!

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Hi Dr Nick!... I mean Ms Sekhmetka, Kirai is a beautiful set, but she is a bit of a bi^%h to play with. Be prepared to lose your first few games due to forgetting rules or messing up placement. I have learnt that the hard way. She is a finesse crew not a sledge hammer like Viktoria.

Also be prepared to pick up a few extra clamshells, like most of the Ressurectionists you will need extra models for spawning.

I would suggest 2 more clamshells of Seishin, as these are a mixture of life counters, stored power and forward scouts and they pop in and out of play fast. If a turn gets messy you can easily get up to your full compliment of 5.

A couple of clams of Gaki, I originally brought 1, but 2 Gaki's really isn't enough as they work better in pack, they are also really easy to summon.

Possible another pack of Onyro, I'm thinking of buying an addition 2 to go with the ones in the box, but they don't feel as essential.

Edited by Ratty
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