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Alyce without Abom/Engine?


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I just started my first crew, Ramos, and picked up Alyce as one of my support units. I did this without having all the info on Alyce. So my question is is she still viable without having Abomination and Desolation Engine models handy?

I'll probably pick some up eventually, just, well, don't have any right now. :D

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I bring her more for the two card drawing and the 12" clockwork seeker. THe gun has solid cb, great range, amazing damage (3/4/5 IIRC,) rapid shot, and head shot trigger. I killed Pandora with her recently thanks to head shot.

I will occasionally make a SPA with her but that's gravy compared to everything else she brings.

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Honestly I don't see her point, every time I've brought her to the field all she did was absorb bullets. BUT I do run with the box and have yet to build off of it so that might be why. The opponent believes that killing the SPA's is a pointless task because I bring them back, the same philosophy with why they don't kill levi.

Normally she's either too far away to give me the cards, or she's off doing her own thing. Twice I played Perdita and twice she was the first to fall. Second round though I took the win because of Caustic Aura. Which brings me to the point, if you lose Alyce and instead take More SPA's the caustic aura is awesome if you can spam it, it's how I killed Two Death Marshals, and the Judge the second game.

And with Ashes and Dust coming out soon, I don't see Alyce's point. BUT both games I played were against Perdita so that probably has something to do with it. seeing as she can kill a fly from a football field away lol

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Im a ramos players and i bring her almost every time.\

She adds cards to my hand that makes it easyer to use the brass A Stoke on ramos to make alot of spiders.

Bag of tricks is okay but having her gun shoot at 12 inches with a min damage of 3 makes her a good shooter mix that with head shoot and she fills alot of gaps the list has.

Though I dont add the steam borg to my ramos lists, I run Ramos, Brass, Alyce and as meny Steampunk Arachnids as i can fit.

Swarms deal alot of damage and have Melee master its just too good.

But yes i use alyce in 30+ Soul stone size for shure and depending on the game i will even add her at 25SS.

My main use for her is the cards she draws, im my Ramos list i just stoke him if i can and crank out more spiders.


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Honestly I don't see her point, every time I've brought her to the field all she did was absorb bullets. BUT I do run with the box and have yet to build off of it so that might be why. The opponent believes that killing the SPA's is a pointless task because I bring them back, the same philosophy with why they don't kill levi.

Normally she's either too far away to give me the cards, or she's off doing her own thing. Twice I played Perdita and twice she was the first to fall. Second round though I took the win because of Caustic Aura. Which brings me to the point, if you lose Alyce and instead take More SPA's the caustic aura is awesome if you can spam it, it's how I killed Two Death Marshals, and the Judge the second game.

And with Ashes and Dust coming out soon, I don't see Alyce's point. BUT both games I played were against Perdita so that probably has something to do with it. seeing as she can kill a fly from a football field away lol

Perdita and her crew are a major killer of Alyce. Being able to ignore the hard cover she can give herself makes it tough to keep her alive.

I always have Levi come back to life within 3" of Alyce to get the extra cards and they make a difference. But you do need more in you crew to help direct fire away from her. The 3/4/5 clockwork seeker is a nasty gun that most try to avoid at all costs.

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I don't know, I always think King Leonidas is right about not taking Alyce with Levy. To me, it seems like madness. But then again, to each their own I suppose. My play style with Levy has evolved to always include Alyce in it's strategies so I see her as a must.

Even with Ashes and Dust (who I only use in big games, you really need SPA's [hopefully 4] or a Desolationto make him as good as he can be) I still think Alyce takes the cake for an auto include. The card draw is hard to get off, you gotta think a turn ahead at all times and that can be hard. But then again, Levy does have one of the steepest learning curves in the game so this just adds to it. But her ranged support is nearly invaluable to Levy's generally melee focused crew ( at least for his vanilla lists). She can make SPAs though at a high cost, that can be a turning point in any game. She can grant a construct Reactivate which is awesome on something as large and dangerous as the Desolation Engine (who can heal it's self!) and Ashes and dust and any other construct you bring.

If for nothing else, she is a nice solution to making sure Levy dies in a turn you need him and gives you a source of instant kills which if used after Levy and the rest have had a go, can usually succeed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh perhaps i can offer a different thought on this.

Imho 4 move models with out fast or nimble or some thing Ifind to be painfully slow. Levi due to the current way summon works means he can be quite fast. Alice removes that speed from his crew. I Find it much better to look in to other faster options. First turn I use a dog to make a second waif and charge in headlong. A pack of 8 spa and levi flying up in your face can rival the best for speed of moving across the table and with hitting power to boot. You be amazed how many models you can kill with 3 blast 2 damage aoe effects :)

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