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The keeper and Yazza sitting in a Tree, B U I L D I N G their own little gaming table

the keeper

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Practice gets you there, so keep building

Also having a buddy to help, helps. Without eachoter we prolly didnt do half, but our forces combined are greater than the sum of our forces. Cos you get the same work done and from there you motivate eachoter to go further

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A small word about our nemstae, if one would read his name back wards one would find what he really does.

I just love the way his busnes plan works, its a nice vicious cirkel:

one buy's some lovely stake at the butchers, somehow one would get sick and needs a visit to the docters, but even with the loving care of the good docter one still die's of his disease, well good thing we have an undertaker in the town. But how is it we never see any cattle at the butchers, and he always has meat......

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You guys keep amazing me! Outstanding scenery. You must be working full time on these things...

One thing: I hear the LGS where you guys meet is going to close?

Greetings from Gent!

its gonna move to a more hospitable neighbourhood

so make sure that gets around over there

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So Mr Nemstea sells Soylent Green at the Butcher shop?

My December Acolytes might need to stop by for a few pounds, were running low in the mountains.

no idee what soylent green is but i think yes

You guys keep amazing me! Outstanding scenery. You must be working full time on these things...

One thing: I hear the LGS where you guys meet is going to close?

Greetings from Gent!

we hope he isn't but to be honnest i dont know for shure, but as i see it things aren't looking very bright atm.

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In best Charlton Heston Voice..."Soylent Green is made of people!"

That sounds about right, from what movie is soylent green? maybe i did see it but just didn't remember (happens a lot to me) And is there soylent green in smartie cereal, becouse other wise i dont get the link.......

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I've been meaning to ask you about your buildings. Do you have a plan each one or do you kind of start one and see where it goes? Do you start with the wood portion first? Are you doing it the traditional way with wood over foamcore? How do you get the sag on the roofs? Sorry for all the questions but,I'm trying to build some like these.

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I've been meaning to ask you about your buildings. Do you have a plan each one or do you kind of start one and see where it goes? Do you start with the wood portion first? Are you doing it the traditional way with wood over foamcore? How do you get the sag on the roofs? Sorry for all the questions but,I'm trying to build some like these.

Keeper just start bashing cardboard together, only sketches an idea, not a real plan

We started with the stone first, and measured the woond inside it( keeper needs to confirm this though)

Its wood over pizza boxes and cornflake boxes

And i think, since its thin cardboard, the sag comes naturally in the process of shingling, although he might have moddeled them in a bit

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