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Leviticus Crew Selection


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So I just started Leveticus and have read what I can on him through these boards, including the recruitment thread. Heres my problem, he has so many options available to him for crew that I can't figure out a good build for him. I really want to try running him without SPA's, as I will be facing a few blast based crews in the near future.

Any suggestions on model choice and tactical advice on why that model is a good idea?

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Well you can't go wrong with really any crew selection for him.

One thing you should know is never discount SPA's and the Desolation Engine. Sure you don't have to bring them. But you WANT to make them during play. If you get 4 you get one of the strongest models in the game. So never EVER discount SPA's. Make them when you get the chance every time.

Bette works rather well with him, especially because he can give her the trigger that makes SPA's and an extra crow on her cb. Makes for a nasty combo.

Rusty Alyce is a near must in every case. She hits hard, gives Levy some card draws, and brings some nice utility. She is pretty much an auto-include. If nothing else, she is another source that can generate SPA's.

Any construct works well with Levy because he gets double use out of them. If they die you just turn the scrap counters into SPA's and make a Desolation Engine eventually.

I personally prefer Constructs with Leveticus because they can give me SPA's if they die during the game and Rusty Alyce can give them reactivate and make one hell of an alpha strike.

Leveticus is THE most dangerous model in the game to a single target. He can take down any model in the game without much of an issue and you should always capitalize on this. He is a bit slow, so you need to plan a turn ahead and put your Waif's into position to position Levy the next turn. So constructs that can guard the Waif's aren't a bad idea. Guardians work well and Ryle is a beast with Levy. Ryle compliments Levy's heavy ranged power and works great with Alyce, providing a nasty gun line that can keep models pinned.

The riders all work well with Levy, they are fast, hit really hard, and are tough. But they are expensive and it creates a very limited list. So I would recommend only 1 of them at a time. They all have uses that vary depending on the situation.

Otherwise, I don't want to go repeating what has been said over and over again in the threads. Would take way to long =). So poke around, ask questions, hope I helped.

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SPA's against blast based crews arn't to bad. They have an option to make them untargettable. Just walk (dragging) and do the untargettable and keep the guys who can be targetted behind those who can't. If LOS HAS TO go through another SPA's base to see the guy in the back then their is no LOS. So you can keep them pretty safe. Your just going to be slower as you'll have to walk otu and around your own little huddle.

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When I first used Leveticus before the DE and SPA were available, I fielded 3 Necropunks, Steamborg Executiner and Alyce. I only played twice with him, and I got trounced, but it was the first 2 times I used him and before we had a regular circle of people playing. We just started up again a few weeks ago.

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Has anyone tried Injun Joss? He seems like a rather potent melee construct.

He can be, With 3 power tokens and the right card in hand his weak damage becomes 7, the only thing I don't like is his is a bit of a glass cannon (usually dies right after I use said massive hit) and he uses tomes with Levi likes for casting. I prefer to use models that don't use competing symbols like Killjoy of the peacekeeper.

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