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New faction suggestion...

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I would rather have a sub-faction split among the visible factions. Creating another faction always leads to a smaller set of choices till the new faction can catch up.

Hoffman already can use Arcanist, Guild, and a Neverborn. Creating a faction among the other factions allows you to have "insiders" who work with each other for the right outcast but can also be played with their respective faction. Perhaps the Ten Thunders would send more agents be they undead similar to Kirai, Guild Soldiers, Arcane Shugenja, or dragons and other such creatures that work with the Neverborn.

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I see two possiblitys for a new factions

1) three knigdoms

there already is a lot of fuff these guys, more if you include the ten thunders

2) the invaders

pretty much Aliens, that have found there way onto mailifaux through a breach eather opened from malifaux from there own world, i imagine them to be sort of steampunk/cthulhu cyborgs or other Lovecraft inspired creatures and the neverborn are pretty much Aleins, and hamlin has mention opening a breach to a new world so it's not completly out of the question, possible, but not likely for now

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I've been thinking of a really cool model like this :\ don't know where else to post it, PM me if you want me to take it down or if it's just stupid.

he's a Neverborn Model and he's like a male version of candy really, just a little kid but a boy.

Currently without Name Soulstone cost: ???


Wk/Cg Ht Wp Ca Df Wd

3/5 1 4 4 2 7

Baseball Bat

Cb 3

Damage 1/1/3


Elite among All Elite: this model can never fail any duel it is a part of. His duel total will always be one more then the opponents duel total. He can fail Moral Dues, Terrifying Checks, Harmless, and Pitiful.

Emotionally Fragile: If this model fails a Moral Duel of any kind, instead of falling back push that model Triple his walk directly away from the model causing the check. This model then looses the Elite among All Elite rule. After the push this model suffers a 2/2/7 unmodified, uncheatable damage flip. If this model is reduced to zero wounds because of this ability, reduce him to one wound and rally him immediately.

An Oasis for the Heart: If any Candy model is within 3" of this model when it fails a moral duel push this model into base to base contact with that model, and stop the falling back. This model will still retain the "Elite among All Elite" special rule if his model is pushed this way.

Fear of Parents: this model can not charge any model without the Insignificant Characteristic, he also receives a :-fate on all damage targeting non-insignificant models. Ignore this ability if this model looses insignificant. However, this model may Never target a Master Model even when this ability is ignored.


(+2) golden shoes: until this model looses a moral duel or takes damage, this model can make two free walk actions.

(0) Blame the Pigs: This model's Charges cost (1) AP when charging insignificant models. You also receive a :+fate on damage when damaging Insignificant models. Lasts until the end of this models next activation.

(0) Completely Alone: this model looses the insignificant characteristic, and makes a WP -> 17 duel. If he fails he immediately charges the nearest Non-Insignificant Enemy Model.


(:rams :rams)Cb Direct Hit: the damage on the baseball bat when targeting non-insignificant models is 1/6/6

(:rams :masks)Cb Cruel as School Children: after damaging defender with a Baseball Bat Strike, immediately make another baseball bat strike at :+fate damage and then immediately push this model directly away from the nearest Terrifying Model. You may only activate this trigger once per activation


(1) Why don't you beaten?(CC: 14/Rst: -/Rg: C): This model flips a card; this flip may be cheated, and attached the suit of that card to his Cb. Casting this spell is effected by Elite among All Elite.


yeah... I don't know, I thought it's cool what do you guys think?

Edited by gunpowder saint
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I've been thinking of a really cool model like this :\ don't know where else to post it, PM me if you want me to take it down or if it's just stupid.

he's a Neverborn Model and he's like a male version of candy really, just a little kid but a boy.

Currently without Name Soulstone cost: ???


Wk/Cg Ht Wp Ca Df Wd

3/5 1 4 4 2 7

Baseball Bat

Cb 3

Damage 1/1/3


Elite among All Elite: this model can never fail any duel it is a part of. His duel total will always be one more then the opponents duel total. He can fail Moral Dues, Terrifying Checks, Harmless, and Pitiful.

Emotionally Fragile: If this model fails a Moral Duel of any kind, instead of falling back push that model Triple his walk directly away from the model causing the check. This model then looses the Elite among All Elite rule. After the push this model suffers a 2/2/7 unmodified, uncheatable damage flip. If this model is reduced to zero wounds because of this ability, reduce him to one wound and rally him immediately.

An Oasis for the Heart: If any Candy model is within 3" of this model when it fails a moral duel push this model into base to base contact with that model, and stop the falling back. This model will still retain the "Elite among All Elite" special rule if his model is pushed this way.

Fear of Parents: this model can not charge any model without the Insignificant Characteristic, he also receives a :-fate on all damage targeting non-insignificant models. Ignore this ability if this model looses insignificant. However, this model may Never target a Master Model even when this ability is ignored.


(+2) golden shoes: until this model looses a moral duel or takes damage, this model can make two free walk actions.

(0) Blame the Pigs: This model's Charges cost (1) AP when charging insignificant models. You also receive a :+fate on damage when damaging Insignificant models. Lasts until the end of this models next activation.

(0) Completely Alone: this model looses the insignificant characteristic, and makes a WP -> 17 duel. If he fails he immediately charges the nearest Non-Insignificant Enemy Model.


(:rams :rams)Cb Direct Hit: the damage on the baseball bat when targeting non-insignificant models is 1/6/6

(:rams :masks)Cb Cruel as School Children: after damaging defender with a Baseball Bat Strike, immediately make another baseball bat strike at :+fate damage and then immediately push this model directly away from the nearest Terrifying Model. You may only activate this trigger once per activation


(1) Why don't you beaten?(CC: 14/Rst: -/Rg: C): This model flips a card; this flip may be cheated, and attached the suit of that card to his Cb. Casting this spell is effected by Elite among All Elite.


yeah... I don't know, I thought it's cool what do you guys think?

I like it. Mostly as it reminds me of l'il Slugger from Paranoia agent, but still.

The Elite amongst all Elite rule confuses me somewhat.

I do hope Wyrd come out with some sort of character creation system at some point in the future. Although I'm sure it would be tricky to weigh up the benefits/disadvantages of such a release.

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It has been clearly stated by Nathan that there will be no C's. Hence the censorship. Although I'd still love to see a crew themed around HBO's Carnival.

+1 on the Carnival themed crew. It would be a good way to get the showgirls on the road and provide entertainment to the outlying settlements.

I can imagine Ramos needs people out in the Badlands just as much as he does in the city proper.

No ******. Just freakshows and other unsavory types. Maybe some type of construct along the lines of the pig-a-pult, themed around a ride.

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for Neverborn I want Pandora to become a bit more Pandora's orphanage (am actually following that theme with mine.) at first the twisted children story thing was her theme, but it became much more the dreamer's so more little evil "orphans" for pandora with crossovers offcourse.

then more swampy tentacly stuff indeed to support sillurids, bad juju, waldgeist and crossover with the tentacly nightmares :)

fluffwise I can even see a bit of a change, while pandora still hates humans and one main goal is get them out of malifaux, dead or alive, the book 2 full gave a more *emotional* side, and a fear of the woes she uses, combined with the 3 neverborn sisters main goal of making sure those ancient tyrants dont return.

I can imagine post event (or during event.) children are born to humans that are only a vessel to something darker.. heck, they could even be born by pure magic of the event. Pandora takes them under her guidance, both to make sure they never reach full potential (she noticed how terrifying that would be with candy during the event.) and also to use that same potential in small doses to her advantage ;)

with that idea came an opposite idea of the jeckyll/hyde thing. the event had a different effect on killjoy, it trapped him inside the visual appearance of a small boy (named KiJo ;)) wich he desperately tries to escape from, (pandora keeps him trapped there tough.) basically KiJo would be cheaper (but not much) then killjoy, has his entire own stats and abilities, tough maybe underwhelming for his cost.. and certain triggers shapeshift KiJo into killjoy, but all using delicate, risky and contradictory tactics. (it has to be hard, its not supposed to be *just* a summon killjoy cheap and avoid his negative side vessel)

(if anyone has stat ideas for that to work ? Im not good with stats. perhaps you gunpowder saint ?)

visually I imagine him like the little boy in le Orphanage.

I do hope Wyrd come out with some sort of character creation system at some point in the future. Although I'm sure it would be tricky to weigh up the benefits/disadvantages of such a release.

While I would myself like it too (love character creation :)) I think it partly ruins character driven games as well (and not just balance.) tough one could always have something like what dogs of war was for confrontation, same mechanics, different game. perhaps with the apparently also desired rpg elements woven in.

on the otherside I recently realised book 1 has a "ronin cannot be upgraded to henchman" thing written, and we now know what henchman are (basically replacement/lesser masters.) there allready was the speculation wether not all future henchman arent tied to special forces (wich I dont hope nor expect... special forces should remain a bit special ;)) but reading that I suddenly tought it might be that you can even *create* your own henchman.. upgrading an existing profile (not necessarily characters as the ronin arent.) giving the possibility to use soul stones, lead a force (I wonder how they work in limitations, probably like--> an upgraded henchman can only recruit those with similair descriptive aspects (woe, mercenary, family, death marshal, belle etc.) probably with some other options as well (could be as simple as all resser upgrades get +1 or 2 on stats x and y as well as graverobber and summon dead abilities etc. or up to multiple upgrade options.)

it wouldnt be free character creation, and it wouldnt work well with everything, but it could be fun :)

it could also be that henchman were something completely different back when developing book 1 profiles and that rules line for the ronin is pretty much void now tough :)

I'm hoping for something similar to, but better than, the Hordes Bull Snapper. Perhaps I could field it as a proxy for the Razorspine...

dont know if you know, but there is alot of crocs out there, crocodile's sebeki army, impact miniatures sarcos fantasy football team (also having gavials and young crocs) and reaper (offcourse) has some too.

between those groups and the WM ones you can built up a pretty nice skirmish army.. Id imagine with some conversion and some other inclusions one could even create a quite varied big crocodile army (really want to see someone do that :))

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dont know if you know, but there is alot of crocs out there, crocodile's sebeki army, impact miniatures sarcos fantasy football team (also having gavials and young crocs) and reaper (offcourse) has some too.

between those groups and the WM ones you can built up a pretty nice skirmish army.. Id imagine with some conversion and some other inclusions one could even create a quite varied big crocodile army (really want to see someone do that :))

I am aware. Unfortunately, the majority of them are humanoid and I'm really just looking for a plain ol' gator. Well, maybe a wee bit bigger than a plain ol' gator.

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I am aware. Unfortunately, the majority of them are humanoid and I'm really just looking for a plain ol' gator. Well, maybe a wee bit bigger than a plain ol' gator.

at first I tought, so is he, in a worse way, but didnt follow the link and tought it was that wrastler one, I see what you mean and that actually is a nice croc :D

hmm... fossil of ancient monstrous swamp crocodiles, the fresh blood and death in the swamp turning them alive again, sometimes substituting swamp matter for flesh (like the bad juju ).. neverborn model, but also undead and beast = lots of happy players ;)

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While I would myself like it too (love character creation :)) I think it partly ruins character driven games as well (and not just balance.) tough one could always have something like what dogs of war was for confrontation, same mechanics, different game. perhaps with the apparently also desired rpg elements woven in.

on the otherside I recently realised book 1 has a "ronin cannot be upgraded to henchman" thing written, and we now know what henchman are (basically replacement/lesser masters.) there allready was the speculation wether not all future henchman arent tied to special forces (wich I dont hope nor expect... special forces should remain a bit special ;)) but reading that I suddenly tought it might be that you can even *create* your own henchman.. upgrading an existing profile (not necessarily characters as the ronin arent.) giving the possibility to use soul stones, lead a force (I wonder how they work in limitations, probably like--> an upgraded henchman can only recruit those with similair descriptive aspects (woe, mercenary, family, death marshal, belle etc.) probably with some other options as well (could be as simple as all resser upgrades get +1 or 2 on stats x and y as well as graverobber and summon dead abilities etc. or up to multiple upgrade options.)

it wouldnt be free character creation, and it wouldnt work well with everything, but it could be fun :)

it could also be that henchman were something completely different back when developing book 1 profiles and that rules line for the ronin is pretty much void now tough :)

Does that mean i can lead my crew with terror tot?

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well if my speculation turns out right, who knows :P (and if there is a way you could do that, the question is would you want to lol ;)) it was just something I noticed with the book 1 ronin rules tough, not some inside knowledge on the matter.

Hell yes, altought just for fun:D

1) three knigdoms

there already is a lot of fuff these guys, more if you include the ten thunders

No one talk about this much, but i think this is a verry real possiblity

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