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New faction suggestion...

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Hi Malifools!

Not sure if this goes here, Mods please move it if it doesnt.

However, the world of Malifaux is vast, what factions/minis or individuals do you think it lacks?

My honest opinion is Missionaries...

Where in the civilised world (Earthside) do these not exist?

Now, think on it... why wouldnt they be 'bringing the truth/light/whatever' to Malifaux?

My first image is of this:


They could be an offshoot of the Guild... or something even more sinister...

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Black Scorpion has a couple preachers in their Tombstone line, if you want to stick to the old west undertones in Malifaux. Helldorado has a bunch of stuff that would work well for this idea including a knight Templar and a Jewish kabalist, if you want to branch out from the Christian faith a little. And Zenit Miniatures has a few pieces in their Nemesis line that might interest you; they're kind of Christian in their influence, but not quite what you would expect. Also check out West Wind Productions Gothic Horror-Kindernacht line, which includes a lot of Catholic priests; even some choirboys.

As for faction; I'd make them an Outsider special force. While their agenda is compatible with The Guild's I doubt most religious fanatics really care for The Guild's tactics.

As long as we're tossing around ideas; I'd kind of like to see an Outsider demonologist. Somebody able to hire Nephilim with powers that rely on sacrificing victims and possibly even destroying his own minions. A special backfire rule that turns one of his demons against him might be interresting. Or maybe some kind of animosity rule that gives any crew led by a Nephilim character bonuses against him.

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Black Scorpion has a couple preachers in their Tombstone line, if you want to stick to the old west undertones in Malifaux. Helldorado has a bunch of stuff that would work well for this idea including a knight Templar and a Jewish kabalist, if you want to branch out from the Christian faith a little. And Zenit Miniatures has a few pieces in their Nemesis line that might interest you; they're kind of Christian in their influence, but not quite what you would expect. Also check out West Wind Productions Gothic Horror-Kindernacht line, which includes a lot of Catholic priests; even some choirboys.

As for faction; I'd make them an Outsider special force. While their agenda is compatible with The Guild's I doubt most religious fanatics really care for The Guild's tactics.

As long as we're tossing around ideas; I'd kind of like to see an Outsider demonologist. Somebody able to hire Nephilim with powers that rely on sacrificing victims and possibly even destroying his own minions. A special backfire rule that turns one of his demons against him might be interresting. Or maybe some kind of animosity rule that gives any crew led by a Nephilim character bonuses against him.

I like the way you think. Thanks for the tips.

However, I was hoping to leave the actual religions out of it, due to issues that may arise, but more to keep the feel of their purpose in the crew.

I also agree with the special Demonologist, though I would lovve to see how the mechanic and pricing of his crew would go... I guess you would require a fair few Student of COnflict or Malifaux Child minis... similar to Killjoy... or perhaps you could sacrifice Ht1 minis... or perhaps base the strength of the summoned demon upon what you sacrifice...

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You know what else a game that includes geisha and samurai needs? Ninjas. Maybe an Arcanist special force with a Yakuza clan leader as the Henchman. I'm not good enough to paint a body-suit of tattoos, but I'd love to see what some of the pros could do with a guy stripped to the waist in an iiajutsu stance. Power-wise I think the minions should have Evasive, Pass Through, something similar to the December Acolyte's From the Shadows ability, and maybe Companion with the associated Henchman. For the Henchman, I think adding Martyr, Melee Master, the ability to switch places with other ninjas and the ability to vanish in plain sight would be cool.

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Heck, if you are suggesting Ninjas, Im gonna throw Pirates and Cl0wns into the mix...

As for the skirting around religions... it doesnt need to represent anything modern day, it just needs to represent the Earth-siders forcing their beliefs onto the inhabitants of Malifaux...

It could tie in with the Cult of December being the counterweight...

I guess iM on this kick cos I just moved on from painting 14 Sisters of Battle (in order to practice hair and flesh tones) to buying an entire force of Nuns with Guns... I dont like GW in general, but the gothic styling and details offer up fantastic painting options... they are gonna be painted to display level then sit in my display cabinet forever after! MWahahaha!

*Ahem* I like the Yakuza stylings... what about Mafiosa?

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I think there's justification for ninjas in the setting. As for killer ******, Collodi and his marionettes look very harlequinesque. And given that they can be quite creepy for some folks, it wouldn't surprise me to see actual Neverborn ****** at some point. If only because I convert Pandora's woes to have rubber noses and floppy shoes.

I think pirates could be somewhat covered under the heading of bayou raiders and smugglers. It's not quite the same thing, but I having full-blown rum-swilling, cutlass weilding, arr saying pirates seems a little contrary to the setting. I suppose another gremlin crew emulating stories of pirates could work, I suppose.

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I think there's justification for ninjas in the setting. As for killer ******, Collodi and his marionettes look very harlequinesque. And given that they can be quite creepy for some folks, it wouldn't surprise me to see actual Neverborn ****** at some point. If only because I convert Pandora's woes to have rubber noses and floppy shoes.

I think pirates could be somewhat covered under the heading of bayou raiders and smugglers. It's not quite the same thing, but I having full-blown rum-swilling, cutlass weilding, arr saying pirates seems a little contrary to the setting. I suppose another gremlin crew emulating stories of pirates could work, I suppose.

It has been clearly stated by Nathan that there will be no C's. Hence the censorship. Although I'd still love to see a crew themed around HBO's Carnival.

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However, I was hoping to leave the actual religions out of it, due to issues that may arise, but more to keep the feel of their purpose in the crew...

I really think something would be very VERY much Missing (in the future) if Missionaries/ Religious zealots were not introduced

it's VERY doable without getting too "Fanatical"

I can see it going in one of 2 directions


Religious "Cleansers" trying to banish the "unholy/unclean" of Malifaux and make it safe for the 'every man'



A deeper twisted version of the Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Trials

GW has done it for A LONG time with the Sisters of Battle and the

Grey knights/Witch hunter with little or no reprisals

we already have Sonia Criid and Lady J dancing on the razors edge

my envisioning of the first would be like an Old West Priest


the kind of fellow with the long black Duster-like Frock coat

carrying around a hand bound leather scripture (a Melee Weapon) a Small pouch of soul stones and Combat Shotgun!


(above mini is a Dark Age Miniature)

having an ability where he casts "prayers" to Preemptively cancel opponents attacks (similar to Criid AND the Librarian) as well as casting Angelic Minions to fight/defend (Like Zorida and Colodi)

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I think pirates could be somewhat covered under the heading of bayou raiders and smugglers. It's not quite the same thing, but I having full-blown rum-swilling, cutlass weilding, arr saying pirates seems a little contrary to the setting. I suppose another gremlin crew emulating stories of pirates could work, I suppose.

Of course not fantasy pirates... but you could theme some minions around it... like more gremlins... or some rogue Union guys... even a Shady Marshal...

I am interested in a link to where Nathan/Eric specify that there will be no Cl0wns and the rationale...

The Madman has hit it on the head... now we just need to wait...

What others would you guys like to see?

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Killer mimes then? With the power to create invisible ropes to pull targets toward them, to conjur heavy winds to blow enemies away from them, and to create invisible boxes and walls? :P

I'm with Lord Vetinari (Discworld/Terry Pratchett) on this one...

...Mimes are to be hung upside down over a pit of scorpions next to a sign that reads 'Learn the words'

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This thread reminds me of this.

Also I'm fairly certain that Nathan stated at some point that they wouldn't bring religion to Malifaux.

Edit: He said something along those lines here anyway (#4).

Personally I too'd rather stay clear of religions altogether.

Thanks for the links. Interesting read. Wont stop me painting my Convict Gunslinger as a C****...

However, noweher are we pushing for religion, just fanatics!

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Thanks for the links. Interesting read. Wont stop me painting my Convict Gunslinger as a C****...

However, noweher are we pushing for religion, just fanatics!

but thats the beauty of it isnt it ?

all this asking about C****S and Mimes, and yet its the easiest one to do yourself, even with the rules,factions and minis available.

its all in the paintjob.

as for missing fanatics/inquisitors/spread the one truth/supressors without a religious tone... are we reading the same guild fluff ?? because sans the religious tone, that is exactly what the guild is.

I personally think that, the way everything is set, no new faction should arrive, everything can be divided among the current factions, the only things not fitting in the main 4 are likely small enough to be a sub-inclusion in the outcasts.

I see these 4 factions less like the factions you are used to with warhammer and warmachine etc. but more in line with magic the gathering (the 5 colors counting as factions.) or like miniature games anima tactics and pulpcity have it. I like this direction in miniature games, by focusing on a set amount of allegiances rather than factions you never run into the release hell the faction intensive companies do, because new ideas are put within the existing factions as subfactions.

(a good example is the dreamer, he is not really part of the *political* neverborn trio, he is his own standalone force in malifaux just happening to fit in the neverborn/masks allegiance. another good example of how this works is marcus and his beasts, marcus fitting the "tomes"(arcanists) yet the rest of his subfaction is spread all over the place.


as Im always longwinded, I particularily mean, I wouldnt mind seeing the wildwest priest stereotype character, but it would be just another guild member to me, interpreting the guild as a savior kind of status, and instead of working with the mechanical stuff, more of the anti-neverborn, anti-undead type.

its funny, Im making some fan-profiles, including fan-fiction and probably some art based on several miniatures I see fitting in malifaux (and most of all miniatures that I have and have no other use for, or some I like but are from the rule-less kind of company.) and Im fluff wise concentrating it on a dusty ex-miner town near malifaux. each faction having a representative there, and that dark age priest is in fact intended as the guild master... an individual seeing the governor general as some kind of savior (instead of tieing in real religion.)

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Sorry, but the Guild are not fanatical enough. Im picturing something more akin to a Sin Eater out to purge Malifaux. Even down the lines of being suspect of their own 'faction' Guild members. Someone so righteous that they believe everyone to be hiding something in some way.

However, this thread did not just ask for a new faction, but for ideas for new Masters/Minions/Henchmen in order to fill existing gaps. Like Earthside, Malifaux takes all types.

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Sorry, but the Guild are not fanatical enough. Im picturing something more akin to a Sin Eater out to purge Malifaux. Even down the lines of being suspect of their own 'faction' Guild members. Someone so righteous that they believe everyone to be hiding something in some way.

However, this thread did not just ask for a new faction, but for ideas for new Masters/Minions/Henchmen in order to fill existing gaps. Like Earthside, Malifaux takes all types.

here is the start to some of my thoughts

Faction Outcast

Special forces "Faithful"

Padre Cam Amitri (Master 4ss)

Wk 5/Ch 8 Ht 2 WP 7

Ca 7 Df 5 Wd 9

Holy Book (Magical)


Cb 5


Pump Action Scatter gun

Rg 8


3 /3 /1

( I’d like to see this as a Template/ranged weapon but can’t figure out how to convert the Idea)

Immune to influence

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Sorry, but the Guild are not fanatical enough. Im picturing something more akin to a Sin Eater out to purge Malifaux. Even down the lines of being suspect of their own 'faction' Guild members. Someone so righteous that they believe everyone to be hiding something in some way.

However, this thread did not just ask for a new faction, but for ideas for new Masters/Minions/Henchmen in order to fill existing gaps. Like Earthside, Malifaux takes all types.

we are not saying different things as each other you know :)

tough me always being longwinded might be confusing in parts.

from malifaux inhabitants point of view, what you describe is still guild in general (what I meant with those things.) but in reality, thats not really what the guild is about, but we do know that because we read *the bigger picture.* there is indeed no zealous character as you describe yet (if ever), but if there ever would be it would fit flawlessly with guild.. not outcast , as it would mean he can join arcanists, neverborn and resurrectionists.. none of wich fit fluffwise, definitely not a whole faction, since organised witchhunt and inquistion had long stopped.

solo-fanatic-priests are also stereotypical of weird west genre tough. like carnivale's brother justin character.

to get back what you asked

basically my idea was : (ignore names :P)

(Guild) master - reverend Clarence gunton

a devout and zealous guild member, eager to serve, but rather considered a pain to the governor general's household he was sent out to this dustbowl town to use his convincing way of speaking to lower the chances of resistance, as the small soulstone mine emptied and was abandoned everyone's interest in the town faded.. yet reverend Clarence gunton still is the zealous representative of the guild there. merciless and misguided, but its not power or wealth he desires.

- shotgun with some special soulstone bullet action

- some Tome suit manipulation ..mainly because its fluffy

- some spell nullifying action

- willpower influence

- apart from witchling stalkers, can only hire living human models.

- pays 1 extra soulstone less for human, non-unique mercenaries. (representing the capability to gather a crowd, being well spoken etc.)

- some eye for an eye ability (bounce back or repeat whats used on him.)

http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/img_big/acb4cc4986be0f38064dd5d28f634971.jpg (as mentioned before.)

totem - Unlingering faith

at first it was a voice, while he sees his companion as a messenger sent by a higher power, in reality it is his unlingering faith manifested to a whimsical and scheming individual never leaving his side.

http://shop.masq-mini.de/product_info.php?info=p79_2004-Brother-Franziskus.html (has that whole totemy feel.)

unique companion - sister Purity

sister purity was taken under the care of the reverend at a young age, threating her as he would his own child. as she grew she manifested, like so many people in malifaux, special powers.. in hers the reverend didnt saw the cursed and evil powers he fights.. but a blessing a holy response to all the darkness, while she herself is coming to an age were she questions the guild, she does so in secret, untill she can convince the reverend of the truth, as her love and loyalty to him is pure.

- healing abilities

- something (aura?) that temporarily prevents unpure creation (raising the dead, creating constructs etc.)

- brightness/light related offensive and defencive abilities

- ability to "bless" bullets ?

- maybe something that temporarily changes undead to living.. way to mess up some spells ;)

http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/img_big/76da3ad3436b832d94f93998bcdfa116.jpg (on the right, fits more with a western feel rather than a vatican feel.)


a bit of a undefined position, mainly influenced by http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/img_big/b0caf6a4bcacbfd878aa995f7a4293cf.jpg and http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/img_big/b4fa7c4b1b728cb083d05d463ae5af43.jpg as well as the scales of justice miniature.

static, mostly something that influences (not offensive at all.) specifically related to nightmares, spirits, woes etc.

(Guild) Manhunters (Rare 2 to 3)

general guild thing, manhunters are merciless and feared hunters who take pride not in taking beasts, monsters and demons.. but men, wether its a high profile union member, a brutal bandit ,a young alleged witch (or doppelganger.) or one of their own, they will never hesitate, never think twice and never regret to pull the trigger for the kill.

while a general thing, presentation wise the reverend's most loyal allies and best synergies are manhunters as well.

- the whole ruthless, immune to influence etc. thing.

- special *bounty* ability making them extra strong against a single unique character (not necessarily human.) until its killed (could be someone has this allready, didnt look at book 1 in a while )

- trigger/spell/talent/ability granting them (temporarily) terrifying

- some more intimidation things ?

http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/img_big/b11744d3045f5abd2800fe236c14a291.jpg springs to mind.

(Lynching) Mob

actually outcasts+mercenaries (not guild) , western non-gunslinger/cowboy rabble as described in the initial pages of the book 2 fluff, can be used to both represent a mob orchestrated by the arcanists or resurrectionists, or cheap pawns for the guild (I imagine the 2 ss cost category) tough presentationwise and synergy wise specifically among the reverend's minions.

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I’d like to see this as a Template/ranged weapon but can’t figure out how to convert the Idea

The game doesn't really do templates. Do it as either an explosion on a severe result or a trigger that grants the character a second attack flip on another model within two or three inches of the first. If you go with the trigger, you could tie it to the suit as well; increasing it to a number of targets equal to the Rams in the initial flip.

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The game doesn't really do templates. Do it as either an explosion on a severe result or a trigger that grants the character a second attack flip on another model within two or three inches of the first. If you go with the trigger, you could tie it to the suit as well; increasing it to a number of targets equal to the Rams in the initial flip.

Now this thread is going places...

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  • 3 weeks later...
How about a group of mad scientists, alchemists if you will... throwing glass beakers of acid (or other ominous substance), meddling with the new powers of the soul stones and exploring their effects on Earthside elements.

Inspirations include: Dr Jekyll (and the Hyde potion) the "time traveler" etc...

pretty much arcanists to me. arcanist are more about *mad experiments and pseudoscience* things than technology really (the tech side is the union.)

Im not trying to be bringing down ideas by these comparisons by the way, its just that I think the factions are so well defined there is little need to break the 4 faction mould. (especially as it is tied to the suits.)

back to your idea, arcanists and the union, while closely tied arent the same thing, especially not to the people in malifaux, there is a fear of arcanists attacks within the city as book 2 fluff shows, and the non-union side masters, marcus and rasputina seem like mostly out-of-city business doers.

so, what are the arcanists the people of malifaux know and fear as arcanists ... I can imagine acid-vials etc. being used by those.. as well as unholy mergers of flesh and metal (wich the arcanist dont have alot of yet anyway :) there is more guild members fitting that bill I think ? witchling stalkers, executioner, ryle vs steamborg arachnid, ramos and maybe joss in the arcanists group.)

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