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Help me choose my next master


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Okay at the moment I play exclusively Resurrectionists with McMourning and Seamus and will be getting Molly and the Horrors when they come out.

I am looking to get into another Master not necessarily from the ressers (I have no interest in Nicodem but have been intrigued a bit with Kirai) I am looking ofr someone who is a bit of an all rounder (maybe) but can operate with a fairly self contained crew.

At the moment the masters I am looking at are:

Kirai - interests me but shes another Resser even though she operates completely different to the rest of them

Collette - Look like a real resource and manipulation crew that is self contained with some beautiful models but is incredibly popular locally (big deterrent for me)

Sonia Criid - With lots of 'generic' guild models I think she could be really interesting

Zoraida - just cant settle on a uniform looking crew for her

Pandora - maybe

Ramos - maybe

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difficult to say...

I´d push you away from the Ressurectionists just to see the other Side of the Table... :)

Pretty Allround is Sonnia.. she has great Magic, good Ranges Support and the Witchlings are good in melee, too...

Zoraida is sort of an Allrounder since she does not depend on the Minions she uses...

Colette is realy strong but with all her tricks very magical. There is also some Melee support... but ... hmmm...

Pandora is a magical Master, too but with Teddy and the baby you habe ecelent meleestrikers, too.... sort of missing the shooting stuff here.

Ramos is quite straight forward... his crew ist very strong in melee and with his electrical fire you have an exelent ranged Spell, too...

All in all... i would say that Colette or Sonnia should work great for you....

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Osoi, i can only talk about experience, i have played with and against 9 masters, at the end, i can tell you without doubts that Zoraida is my favorite master by far, she`s independent, fast, hard to hit and have a huge bag of tricks, i discover something new every time i play her. On the other side, pandora is great too, the damned kid is a nightmare and if you add a teddy, unstoppable! i highly recommend this 2 masters, greetings.

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I hate pandora if played correctly will mean you have no friends to game with you wont have fun they wont have fun and what point is it to play a game that is not fun.

I vote for Zorida for tricky stuff and a little bit of magic and her ability to make you take a negitive flip when attacking her is great

and Criid is a great magic user and has a lot of ways of dealing with magic users lots of offensive power and great for getting objectives and preventing others from taking objectives

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Well you can probably guess who my favorite of those are. ;)

Zoraida offers alot of variety in playstyle and can be very tricksy on the table. The great thing about Zoraida is that almost everything is a good choice for her, since she'll synergise with whatever's in her crew. It can make for some strange looking crews (Convict Gunslinger, Bayou Gremlin, Jack Daw and Kade for instance) but it needn't be the case.

If you're after some uniformity then you could always go for Silurids, Super Juju, Dolls and Waldgeists, all of which fit with her slippery, swampy voodoo theme. The Ophelia box and a some Bayou gremlins would stay in-theme as well.

To be honest though, I like being the only Zoraida player in Perth, so maybe go for Criid instead. ;)

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To be honest though, I like being the only Zoraida player in Perth, so maybe go for Criid instead. ;)

I know how you feel I know I'm the only one who actively plays Seamus and McMourning at the moment and I know I'm about to loose that soon. Unfortunately Rath Z is looking more and more as being the next choice, maybe even adding Collodi when he arrives, I'll try and not tread on your toes too much ;)

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