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Maxvon_d's Neverborn


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Awesome stuff! Loving the back of the dopelganger and the sorrow are lovely too. Was planning to use that green to white fade on my purifiying fame so may have a chat to you about that down at the club.

Will have to sort out a game against these (and your rezzers) at some point.



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  • 2 weeks later...

How much of a pain in the ass was it to get the Sorrows pinned? I'm having a devil of a time with them.

Also, are you going to add the fire to the box on pandora? I personally am a fan of the box being more mysterious. Maybe a glowing light effect rather than the big fire thing. Nice work over all.

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Cheers Deadslinger :)

How much of a pain in the ass was it to get the Sorrows pinned? I'm having a devil of a time with them.

Yeah. On mine if you look closely you can actually see the brass rod which I should have greenstuffed over but just painted it grey instead!

Also, are you going to add the fire to the box on pandora? I personally am a fan of the box being more mysterious. Maybe a glowing light effect rather than the big fire thing. Nice work over all.

Yeah I originally glued on the flame sculpt. Wasn't happy with that so greenstuffed some tentacles. But then I thought I'd rather do a green glow OSL effect so snapped them off!

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Candy's lollipop is amazing. I painted one of those and I know how tiny it is. How did you get so many lines in there and get the curve so symetrical on every one?

Heh, I think I mostly got lucky :)

Actually I think it's slightly less symmetrical on the back. One useful tip is to paint thin, in multiple passes. Much like you might sketch with a pencil. Easier to tidy up the lines.

Another trick is to first put dots down as guides for freehand. I didn't use it here but have done in similar situations.

I did enjoy painting the lollipops and candy. Think that classifies me as a masochist.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It has been slow going but I'm nearing completion on Pandora.

5527643940_9f90ef9c8e_m.jpg 5527644518_8c2802e597_m.jpg

5527644218_2f9c09b6c0_m.jpg 5527053861_26f940e167_m.jpg

More Pandora WiP by Maxvon_d, on Flickr

As you can see, I've gone for the OSL effect from the box. Pretty happy with it, though it needs a little bit of tidying and smoothing. Also pleased with how the freehand brocade on the coat came out.

Gonna switch the green leggings back to black-grey I think as it confuses the OSL.

Nearly done now :)

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She looks amazing that coat is just breathtaking, when I am back at the club will have to get a game against you. Although I am sure I will just spend all game looking at your awesome models.

I am painting a Cryx force for warmachine and you need to do a guide on how you did that OSL (or paint my force which every is easest) :)

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amazing, really stunning job. I think you are making a good choice with changing the leggings, and I look forward to seeing her on the table against my Colette crew. Though I am loathe to offer advice, since I am highly unqualified to, I think the OSL is a little bit "chalky". I think it could benefit from either a light green or yellow glaze or two to make it look a little warmer.

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I think the OSL is a little bit "chalky". I think it could benefit from either a light green or yellow glaze or two to make it look a little warmer.

I do need to do a little bit of re-blending to smooth things out but I like your suggestion of a slight yellow glazing. Good call.

(unless it wrecks the effect, in which case I'll blame you!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And she's done. Little yellow glazing on the OSL, leggings back in black, and then her base all painted up. First time I've painted marble and I'm pleased with it.

I'll do a group shot soon. But for now, here she is:


Pandora, Neverborn Master by Maxvon_d, on Flickr


Pandora, Neverborn Master by Maxvon_d, on Flickr


Pandora, Neverborn Master by Maxvon_d, on Flickr

Would love to hear your comments :)

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fantastic. the marble is just stunning and pandora looks great. the yellow glaze worked well I think. She kinda reminds me of a goth going on a beach holiday in Greece with the base, but I think the colours really work to show her off. It provides a simple background to your model, making the details stand out more, especially the patterning on the back of the cloak

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