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Lost my first game :( I am sadface Levi now :(


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I had a great run with levi but I hit the Pandora wall (with proper errata) I must say I am at a loss.

To be fair I did not run my normal crew (I had been doing amazing with Levi,Alyce,Bette and Killjoy)

I ditched Bette and ran 3 Spa's (Summoned a 4th early) and tried to get the Deso Engine in play but as I moved the SPA's up my opponent came at me with Pandora and pacified/WP tricked them all to death and even when I got Killjoy on the table my opponent basically made him stab himself until he exploded before he even got a charge off.

Alyce was forced to fall back off the table and Levi was the only problem but really all I ended up doing was kill Kade :(

I have never been this dominated before and its a bit unsettling.

Does anyone have any tips on how to combat this?

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Levi's crew is one of the best for taking her on. Most of your key models (waif, levi, alyce) are all high will-powered for resisting duels.

If he's bringing pandora up early just save levi's activation and use a couple soul stones to kill her (2-3 spells should have you able if she isnt dragging some woes with her to shuck damage to)

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The thing is she can bring a ton of SoulStones and rarely loses that initial WP duel and flies across the board making things fallback,flee etc etc, soft cover doesn't work, hard to wound doesn't work etc etc.

Like misdirection would be great with Alyce but that just doesn't work :(

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  • 2 months later...

/sigh...I lost my first game to her with Levi as well....but it wasn't my first loss, it was my first full game period. The thing that sucked is that I have no experience, and my opponent is an avid levi player who was rolling pandora for this game.

The main problem was that I'm new to the game, and the system, and Levi is a hard master to..well...master. I kept forgetting to draw cards, kept forgetting to activate my Desolation engine's trigger to heal itself, and all this time my opponent, (who knew I was new to game, and is very good with the master I was using) could have at least helped me out a little bit in remembering, it being my first game and all, lol. That said, by the end of the game I had Jack Daw left on the table vs. Pandora and a stitched together. Bother Levi and his waif got pushed off the table, lol. Kinda sucked but I learned a lot from that game.

A) Remember to draw cards from casts, Levi's deaths, and Alyce.

B) Remember that the Desolation Engine heals itself.

C) Be more aggressive with Levi...he can nuke the s**t out of things haha.

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