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MTG Tourney put on hold for a Malifaux 0O?!?


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So I decided to bring one of each crew to my game store. There was Friday Night Magic tourney going down.

8 players in my area play Malifaux (we meet on tuesdays, but they wanted to see the new factions and Rising Powers so I brought it all up to the store (scenery boards and such are at the store from past games we used to play).

We broke out our decks (I showed off the puppet deck's quality) and set up the tables in the back of the store. As the rounds for the MTG tourney were finishing players would come over and check the game out.

It became such a distraction that the event organizer put tourney on hold (angry with us and his players until he came over to see what was going on).

The minis and the deck of cards format really was catching the player eyes I guess, because we did the same with monpoc, hordes, warhammer..etc, and it never got their lasting attention.

My players and I decided to take a break and show them how to play. We just went from 8 players to 23.

The best part though was watching magic players build crews. They taught us the true potential we were missing in the game.

See as vet mini gamers we had drilled into out heads factions are factions. Cryx play with Cryx. Space Marines don't mix with other chapters, and empire do not team with bretonnians. So My Panda crew for example is basically the units that relate to her.

Well the magic players saw the COLORS. Yellow faction, Red faction, Blue, Green, Purple. And they are used to mixing goblins with giants and forest beasts, so they had no issue doing that with this game.

We saw what really happens when you make crews out of the entire faction instead of just the crew. One of my OCD friends was trying to grasps this.

I realized when describing the Rising Powers book changes that factions worked together unlike in the first book, where it was crew centric.

Anyways I thought I would share this awesome event that took place and encourage you to try the same with people at your local shops.

I doubt the RPG players will want to play...then again the game has a world and miniatures now ripe with fluff (thanks to Rising Powers).

Eric you really do have a gem here. I hope this game replaces many games for other players. Only issue I have atm is that my distributor isn't able to get a hold of the figs, I presume because the game had a great showcase at Gen Con.

Edited by David.Hanold
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Yep, seen this too. Miniatures players have a much worse grasp of the listbuilding game than Magic players, because they don't think of doing things like taking a Steamborg Executioner with Marcus, for instance (something I've seen someone try).

That being said, as a veteran magic player, grasping the tactical aspect... takes time. Miniature players have much better grasp of cover and board control than magic players.

Anyway, interesting story, and good to see people interested!

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