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Basing the Showgirls?


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If you want to do something more intresting, try adding setting like a chair or steps. You might even have some at the edge of the stage.

I would really try to mix it up since wooden boards will get borring quick. Also You can easly make wood plank bases without buying them if you want i used balsa wood for a pirate army i made once.

This is also a magic show so you might want to paint playing cards on the ground, or some of the magic equitment.

Just some ideas.

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Personally I want a dancing hall floor for mine.

While I imagine the Showgirls appear on the stage regularly, I do not think it is the area where they battle the most. In fluff the two fights that come to mind are in the Sewers (smuggling operations) and in a cart racing through the city.

I imagine they could arrange to be invited for a governor's Ball only to have a couple of "admirers" dealt with quietly. :)

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If you want to do something more intresting, try adding setting like a chair or steps. You might even have some at the edge of the stage.

I would really try to mix it up since wooden boards will get borring quick. Also You can easly make wood plank bases without buying them if you want i used balsa wood for a pirate army i made once.

This is also a magic show so you might want to paint playing cards on the ground, or some of the magic equitment.

Just some ideas.

Those are really great Ideas!

Myself, I've tried to stray away from "Diorama" bases...


something like a segment of Brass tube(Pole dance?)

or a simple wooden chair, a small bundle of roses or a Wooden chest like the old vaudville acts had would make the "showgirl" theme pop!

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My showgirls box just came in the mail (With Rising Powers and a Puppet Deck, both amazing BTW) and I want to give the crew suitable bases, any ideas to make a kind of theater platform base like the official models?

I used MicroArts bases for mine. I wanted something arcane. Here is a link to one of my models on this forum.


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In the late 1800's and early 1900's stages often had lamps, gaslights or electric lights in fixtures along the front edge of the stage. The lights were shaded facing the audience, and set up to illuminate the performers. I'm going to paint some showgirls with low lighting. I think this will look a little sinister and very much fit the dual nature of this crew.

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Wife wanted her girls to be dancing on tables. Here's the link to her first fig: http://s1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd492/achieve_more/Malifaux/The%20Showgirls/?action=view&current=4869aeef.jpg#!oZZ1QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1222.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd492%2Fachieve_more%2FMalifaux%2FThe%2520Showgirls%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D4869aeef.jpg%26

As cutting sticks then rounding them out to smoothly fit the bases was clearly beyond my modeling skills, I simply took a disc of balsa and scored the lines in.

Just another idea...

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I used sheet plastic which had parallel lines cut into it the right width for floor boards. I cut this to fit the bases and then cut a few cross lines to represent the ends of boards and voila a wooden floor. I also cut some brass tubing and added footlights to their bases.

Yes 'Evergreen' is a popular brand for this. They do these in various styles for train modellers mainly. However, I use the Sidewalk, Tiles, and variour styles of rod in my hobby also.

Im particularly fond of the H and I rod for girders and interiors of buildings... especially on broken city bases.

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In the late 1800's and early 1900's stages often had lamps, gaslights or electric lights in fixtures along the front edge of the stage. The lights were shaded facing the audience, and set up to illuminate the performers. I'm going to paint some showgirls with low lighting. I think this will look a little sinister and very much fit the dual nature of this crew.

I was thinking something along these lines myself

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  • 2 months later...

$8 or so, got me a pack of Back2Base-ix planked deck bases at the same place I got my Collette boxed set. I figured that would be most appropriate as the girls wouldn't hang out non-planked places so much, the clues on the back of the box as to Collettes business suggests things like warehouses, showboats, trains, theaters, saloons, and other places where you can imagine wood decks.

Otherwise you could glue coloured fuzzy stuff down for carpet?

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