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The Guild Project

Lord Shaper

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Hey All,

I've recently came back to painting figures and some friends at work have me playing and painting Malifaux so I thought I'd join up so you can let me know what you think.

I'm working on The Guild and I've finished up my Lady Justice figures so far with more to come.

I do generally put more up at http://www.talesfromthewarzone.com but I'll put the figures up here as well.







I also have finished Taelor but I haven't taken a photo of her yet.

And lastly I've done some Malifaux Special Terrain which you can see below.

Soulstone Vein


Mysterious Effigies


What do you all think?

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Ahh yes, I see Vash as well. One of our local guys did a Hans with a Vash-inspired paint job.

Just thinking about that seems to fit as well... I just had the red coat come to mind and when I back tracked where I had seen it I came up with Vash.

I really want to do an Alucard style figure as well when I find something for it... Maybe when I get an Austringer...

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Nice work. Loving the marshals and the mysterious effigies. Very 'Old Malifaux'-esque!


Thanks for that... I'm currently working on a hanging tree as there is a group of us going to be putting in a bulk order soon so I can fill out with the rest of the guild so I have some more to paint.

It's odd that I'm one of the ones from our group that hasn't played as much but I'm the first with a fully painted crew for up to 45 SS

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