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Koyote's WIP Guild Crew


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Initially I had planned to make my own river from scratch, but then I stumbled upon Pegasus Hobbies' River Set and decided that at a price tag of less than $20 why not let Pegasus Hobbies do the work for me? Besides, if I have the time and inclination I can retexture and repaint the shoreline, repaint the water, and add water effects. In the meantime, I have a ready made river that I can play on immediately.

So with a 8 piece river set in my possession, the next step was to add a bridge to my terrain collection. This I accomplished with a simple balsa wood build. I had considered a more sophisticated design that included rails and fancy supports, but ultimately decided upon function over form. My design allows a 50mm base or two 30 mm bases, side by side, to lie flat on the bridge. Also, by forgoing railing, I need not worry about the models becoming entangled or that a clumsy hand will destroy the fragile balsa construction. The lack railing also makes transport and storage easier. Additionally, I designed the grade of the ramps to be gradual enough that most models placed on this portion of the bridge won't topple over or slide off.


The next addition to my collection is less practical but a lot more fun -a pig pen. Nevertheless, when building terrain, one should always keep function and playability in mind. In this instance, the sow and piglets are set into recesses and have not been glued into place. This will make painting easier and allow the piglets in the yard to be removed in order to facilitate the placement of models during game play.

It is difficult to discern from the first photo, but the pig-shack and fencing stand on elevated mounds. Likewise, the island in the yard is also an elevated mound. These I made with spackling paste from a tube. Once the basic shapes were in place, I wetted my finger and refined the contours. After the spackling paste had set up a bit, I pushed the fence posts into paste. After this piece has been painted, I will use water effects to create a proper muddy yard for the piggies.

The pig models are from Mega Miniatures' Animal collection. I used my standard balsa and cardboard construction technique to build the pig-shack. The grain sack is from a Hirst mold. Also, it's difficult to see from this angle, but the piglet on the far right has broken through the lower rail and is trying to escape. Bad piggy. nono.gif



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Here is the first of two sets of ruins built from the Pegasus Hobbies' Gothic City Ruins kit. Like the ruins I assembled from the old 40K ruins kit, I used the WFB movement tray kit to make the tiled floor and rubble on the bottom floor.

I do not recall where the ladder came from (Mordheim maybe?) but I included it to provide access to the second floor. According to the Malifaux errata, the 4 inch climb to the second floor would require a model to spend 8 inches of movement. As a house rule for this piece of terrain, a model moving up the ladder is only required to spend 4 inches of movement to reach the second floor.



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In honor of Christmas this piece began as a stable, but it eventually evolved into Mortimer the Gravedigger's workshop.

The roof can be removed to provide easy access to the interior. I kept the center of the workshop clear of furnishings in order to facilitate the placement of models.




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Last week, I realized that my terrain collection doesn't include the Special Terrain Feature, Mysterious Effigies. So... Using some leftover sections of column from the cathedral kit, some .040 styrene, and four WFB ghouls, I've assembled some fairly decent markers to represent Mysterious Effigies.



...And voila!


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Nicodem the Undertaker



I'm not entirely pleased with the size of the pumpkin. It overwhelms the base. I may replace it with a smaller pumpkin. If you compare the photo of final model with the WIP photo, you will notice that I removed the skull from the base. Once I started painting the model and planning out the base in my head, the skull and the pumpkin together were just too much.

Before anyone asks, the mini-autumn leaves were purchased from skullcrafts.com.

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