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I didn't know Punk zombies could do that!


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So I was reading other forums and a rule that has never come up in my gameing area came up here, now I may be a noob for not knowing this but like i said it never came up and I never gave it much thought.

There is a diffence between Wd and Dg on spells/ablities. Wounds like the ones that both of the punk zombies spells give ingore armor!! Since armor, evade, Bearskin Armor and bullet proof all state that they reduce damage anything that gives wounds ingore those ablities.

So a punk zombie can do Slice and dice and possably kill all Steampunk Arachnids in range that fail thre save, or use it vs Ramos or any other armor based model. It even gets around taking damage from Arcing screen!

I have been wondering how to get around armour in my Nicadem list for some time now and the answer was stairing me in the face!

I thought I would post this incase there are other players who never even thought about there being a diffenance between wounding a model and damaging it.

Punk zombies in my world just got even better! BTW here the link for those like me just finding this out, http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12750&highlight=wounds


Edited by TimeLapse
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