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pfuetzi's minitures


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I thought a good first thread would be the presentation of my crew. Bases are obviously not done but I am still not quite sure what to make of them. Several ideas are floating in my head but I haven't decided yet. Maybe zou guys have some additional ideas for me. So far, I am planning to make either some black and white chessboard floorplates or some kind of wooden floor. However, I don't know how to do that exactly. What could I use to build such bases?

My chihuahua is also painted as well as a Convict Gunslinger. I hope to be able to take some pictures of those minis in the next days.







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Thanks for the nice comments :-)


Did you read my text? ;-)


I have to say that I am not exactly sure, because I experimented quite a bit with the flesh. I think I started with a mix of Dark Flesh (GW) and Warlord Purple (Vallejo). Then, I mixed in more and more Elf Flesh (GW) with each layer. The last layer was almost pure Elf Flesh I guess. IIRC I also used some very thinned Gore Red (GW) to put some shades here and there. Something like that :-)

And here are the promised pictures of my convict and the chihuahua. The little doggy was painted in a rush. So, I might rework parts of the models in the future.





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Maybe, I will make some better picture and a group photo at some point next week. Next on my schedule is obviously the basing, but I also ordered a Ophelia box which should arrive end of this week and I am already eager to paint those fantastic minis. Moreover, I was planning a proxi for the Dreamer and LCB. To give you a first impression of my interpretation of those models, here are some pics of what I had in mind.






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My Ophelia box arrived two days ago and I could not wait to start painting. Here is my Ophelia. Base is still wip but should give an idea of what I want.

PS: Could an admin maybe change the name of this thread to "pfuetzi's minis". I think that will fit the content better. Thanks in advance :-)




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