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Multiplayer brawl: suggestions?


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We've planned a 4 men multiplayer at our club and we're considering the options we have. We want to keep the game quite simple and fluid, and we thought that a 2 team brawl could be good: 4 masters, 2 Vs 2, with one strategie per side and one scheme per master, which should keep things quite easy to keep track of. Then we thought each player could have the full 7 cards hand and play with his own deck (to avoid fights over who will play that red jocker...), and each player can have the max of 10 soulstones (that seems high though for one crew). We set the crew size at 30ss.

Has anyone tried a multiplayer brawl? Any advice or recommendations?



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As described, it sounds like more of a "team scrap" than "MP brawl." But these formats can work very well, with one caveat... you may wish to have one player from each team flip for Initiative each turn, and let one model per team (subject to Companion) activate, then the next team activates a model. i feel this keeps more in the spirit of activation order.

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Yeah, keep those maxs for each player as a Scrap, and only one per side may flip for Initiative. Only allow the use of soulstones for the models each one owns, and you may even forbid one player to Activate 2 times in a row, that is, after player A starts the turn, he cannot activate another one of his models until players B, C & D plays each one of theirs.

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Here's a question to consider: Would you allow models with the Companion ability naming models controlled by the other player on the same side to take advantage of that ability?

For example: Players A and B are on the same side. A has Nino Ortega in his crew, and B has Francisco. (I'm assuming that each side is not allowed to duplicate unique models, though that's another thing to determine.) If A activates Nino within Companion range of Francisco, can A and B then declare Companion, allowing B to activate Francisco immediately after Nino's done?

Basically, are you going to treat each side as one big crew with 2 elements hired separately (which would allow the Companion trick), or as 2 discrete crews who are just working towards the same goal (which wouldn't)?

I think it'd be interesting to go with he first option (1 big crew), but the second (2 separate crews) would probably be simpler in play.

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Hmm thinking that if it was a 2 players only brawl, you wouldn't have 2 Nino in the same crew, so if we were to end up with 2 in the same team in our situation due to the 2 associate players both playing Guild I don't think it'd be fair to authorize that companionship. So I'd go for option 2 (I think for that game I'd be thinking "could we do it if it were a 1 on 1 game?" and if not probably not allow it)

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  • 9 months later...

We did one last weekend, I have a bat Rep up called tag team nbr. But all we did was each of the four players had a 25ss crew and everyplayer had their own 6 card hand. It was pretty much a 2 vs. 2 scrap then we all flipped for initiative and we would just go in initiative order. It was fun but it took awhile to play.

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We play it quite often with 2v2, these are the rules we play.

  • 2 crews per side chosen using the Scrap rules.
  • Masters don't have to be able to join together for Brawls, (we have had Pandora/Seamus vs Seamus/Lucius before).
  • Your other team mate counts as friendly, (so you don't count as engaged when next to them)
  • You have seperate activations (so you can't companion with your ally)
  • Activation order goes, Highest initiative flip, Highest initiative flip on other team, Other player on the 1st team to activate, Last Player. So you swap backward and forward between teams.
  • You flip for strategies as a team and the strategy is worth double VPs.
  • Each Player chooses 2 Schemes as normal and can declare them. (This means you have 8 Schemes in play).
  • The winning team is the team with the most VPs between their Strategy and their 4 Schemes.
  • Winning player is the player on the Winning Team with the most VPs for his Schemes (and anything else like their Jack Daw killing someone).

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