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Phoenix Tournament 9/3/10


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Hello all this upcoming Friday I will be hosting a tournament at Imperial Outpost Games, I apologize in advance for this late notice, my boss gave me my schedule late and as such I could not plan ahead any earlier. Im looking to run two tournaments this month, and I know this is last minute, agian very sorry. Well all non sense aside here are the specifics.

Time Place: 2PM at Imperial Outpost Games in Phoenix.

Price: Five Dollars as usual, agian 100% going to prize support.

Special rulings: Im allowing Proxies for new models on this one guys. I want you to be able to try out new combos youve been itching to go at, so as long as you bring a list for your opponents, of what is what ill be cool to let it by, just bring all proxies to me before hand to approve for you.

Style: Swiss as normal, three rounds, at inverse escalation, 35SS, 30SS, then 25SS. I got a bit of written story for this one as well, so itll make sence so youll see when you get there. At begining before anything is announced you must decide Faction (neverborn, guild, ect.) and STICK TO IT!

Mwahaha! seriously though, us Henchmen got ahold of some semi official rulings ill give a whirl this time around so well see if it works ;)

O.k. Sorry agian for the late announcement, I really do apologize it wont happen agian! Forgive me oh, great ones.

If you plan attending please post here.

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I'll be there though i have yet to get ahold of the new book... I wonder if IO has gotten any copies in yet?

But i'll be there and ready to go, i am painting away at a new list i may bring or i might stick with guild since i will most likely be faceing the unknown (book 2 stuff). Ill paint away and make my choice before the turny.

But I'll try to be there early if anyone wants to get some small 25-30ss games in before hand, I can never get enough Malifaux games in. =) I will shoot for 11ish, noon-ish myself depending on when i wake up, since i normaly sleep in on fridays.


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It's apparently on it's way... it was shipped from Kennesaw, GA yesterday <.<.... I wish it would get here sooner.... but apparently next friday x.x *sad*

EDIT: Hmmm.... Now fed ex says they should arrive Friday.... Dang.... if only I didn't have them being sent to my apartment in flagstaff and instead to phoenix...

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Him painting log number 145.. (If anyone cares but hey im keeping a log darn it!). I am having truble settleing on a color scheem for Bete... but man she a pretty thing to look at. I let her stab me any day... I mean i should get back to painting her... Im still at 5 models finished but i got all the bases covered still need to painting but at lest thats done. Back to the brush with death...

Hmmm the guild are looking more and more freindly in my box telling me that there already painted and ready to go why not use us... no must win this will power duel!


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I know I know he doesnt have anything yet * cries to the gods* eh well you know, I will continue to plead at the sky til somthing is done about it. and yes I caught that immediately after I posted the "Come on guys" Im said to myself there are three girls who play this at the store, I should revise that..... so I ignored my own suggestion.

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Painting log 146... I painted bete 3 differint times today, stiping her each time... and repainting. The first one turn out red white and blue... got to stop painting while watching the news, well fix that. I Am at a spot where im okay with her most likey will change her hair color tomorrow. Finished 2 other models today, total of 8 finished, save the hair. only 6 more models for the basic 35 point list, and 6 more for summed stuff... so much to paint.

Spirts are high going on the last real day of painting. so much so little time. Well at lest its time to get some sleep. The only issue is that my models seem too dark.. but I will have to adress that if I have time. for now sweet sleep take me.


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Painting log 147... I have piled though 8 models today, I have not fixed betes hair but thats a last minite type of thing.

I only have 5 models left. wow, I cant belive i painted 16 models in 3 days. well they do look dark but i will have to fix that after the turnament... hmm i need food.


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Painting log 148... I can see the end in sight, I decided to do baisc painting, i started wainting to paint all the detail add effects and such that took me too long, I know painting is not required but I have my own standards, painting is half the fun. so for now i paint and dry bush and put basic detail with plans to go back and touch them up. 20 models done one left to go.

Have not fixed betes hair yet..


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