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Kirai and Crew WIP


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Here is my datsue-ba.



Here is my ikiryo.


Here is a group shot of them together. I'm trying to give the feeling that the spirits are kirai's sakura rose petals.




This is a side project I have been working on. I'm gonna use it for when kirai is killed and turned into a spirit.

So here is Kirai so far. I have to get her a base still. I gave her a katana, and a slit wrist because to me she feels like a emo caster. Lol

Next up, my sheshin.

Edited by Iamwyrd
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Cool weapon swap, and I like the freehand on the back as well.

I've been working on mine... So stoked to get her on the table. I'm 4 Seishin short so actually sculpted on last night! :) Can't wait to do the other 3 and get her cutting herself in no time!

Edited by Peterdita
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Thanks for the comments.

@dangerousbeans. I used the hand from the skorne dual wielding dead guys. I'm not sure what they are called, all I know is that I'm huge into the Oriental history and wargames, and so whenever I can find some sort of samurai esc model I try to pick it up. And it just so happens that they came in a box of five and each had two swords each. So I just snipped one off, (as I will never play hordes or warmachine) and used one. Then I pinned the hand I to her sleeve and puttied around the hand to even it out.

@peterdita. I too am stoked about her. I just have to wait a gruling amount of time for the gaki to be released in the clamshells as I need alot. But I got everything else just need to paint it up. Hopefully you post your so I can check it out.

Edited by Iamwyrd
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