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Collodi WIP


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Here he is painted and size comparison.


Here are his fingies (fingers). I posted this because I didn't putty his fingers to look like that.


Here is a close up of his face.

I also attempted a collodi grey stuff. He is painted and finished, I haven't got pics yet but I will soon. So technically he isn't a work in progress more of a MGOOMAATMP which stands for (me getting off of my ass and taking more pictures) so to speak. Lol

(This was painted by my friend deadpool)

I am also looking for good proxies for mannequins, as my interest in collodi is a maximum force. Lol

Edited by Iamwyrd
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  • 2 months later...

So reviving this thread of mine, collodi is done as you can see. Does anyone have a good proxxy model for mannequins. Cause my intearest in collodi has skyrocketed bringing him with a dopplerganger.

So any comments on him are welcome, as well as good proxies for mannequins as I think it will be awhile before we see his true models. (Which makes me sad. :'( )

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