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Noob Question: Basing a Mature Neph


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Ok, forgive the noobness of this, but I don't know how to go about putting my mature nephilim on his base. Will superglue be strong enough to keep him on if I cut off the metal sprue, or will he be too top-heavy?

I figured I'd ask before I do something stupid and mess him up.

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Is the issue that their is no slot on the base?

if thats the case, turn the base upside down, and you'll notice that there is a retangular raised section where the slot should be. The plasti in that area is fairly weak so all you have to do is cut it out with a knife, clippers, anything with a sharp edge to hand, then turn the base over and the neph should slot right in.

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Pinning is necessary if you don't want to carry glue with you all the time and wait for him to cure every time you play. I pin every join on every model I assemble. I don't like to fix models after I've painted them. But, I'm probably excessive. However, I would recommend pinning the tail too.. But, again....that's me.

If you've never done pinning, these are the supplies you'll need:

1) Pin vice - you can find these at game stores or online. Make sure they hold micro bits. Games workshop's pin vice is pretty good and includes a few drill bits. I think Gale Force Nine makes one too. there are others as well.

2) drill bits the size of a paper clip.

3) paper clip

4) side cutters or wire cutter

5) Glue

6) flie

7) Blu tac- this is the putty you can use to hold your posters on the wall. I find it at Office Depot.


8) Green Stuff to add extra support to pins in the base.


1)Insert you drill bit into the pin vice with the sharp end out. Not meaning to sound condescending. But, I watched a guy put it in the wrong way. So, I assume nothing now.

2) Tighten the chuck

3) find a nice thick part of the foot that will touch the base. The wider the better also, try to find a place where you can drill deep. The longer the pin, the stronger then join. You may need to file the foot flat to prevent slippage of the bit.

4) twist the pin vise clockwise until you hand hurts or you feel like you're going to punch through the leg. You don't need a lot of pressure. So, don't break the bit. The bit will do the work.

5) Insert your paper clip into the hole and make a mark with a sharpie marker so when you pull it out, you'll see how deep the hole is. I go for 1/4" at least. but, that's me. Others may disagree. But, I've never had a pinned join break on me. Keep drilling if necessary.

6) Put some super glue in the hole in the foot and insert your paperclip. Wait for glue to dry and cut the paperclip off about 1/4" above the foot to give you your post to glue into the base.

7) If you have two feet that touch the ground on the model, I reccomend another pin in the other foot. Repeat steps 3-6 for that foot.

8) prepare you base as you would normally (texture, add inserts...whatever). Now, this is where you'll need the blue-tac. Take two small pieces of blue-tac. Smoosh them on the base approximately where you want the feet mounted on the base.

9) position you mini and push the pins into the blue-tac. Carefully, pull the mini out of the blu-tac. You will have indents where the foot posts are. This is where you will drill your holes in the base. You may want to drill it a little big to make insertion easy.

10) Drill the holes.

11) drop some glue in the the base holes and insert the posts into the holes.

12) when the glue dries, you can flip the base over and add some green stuf underneath to firmly secure the posts into the base.

13) You may need to trim the posts a bit. But, it will depend on your base. If you do, just use the side cutters/wire cutters.

Any questions...let me know. Hope it's clear.

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