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Lord Chompy Bits


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New to this modeling stuff, Wyrd is the first company I've ordered miniatures from. That said, LCB was probably not a good model to begin with.

Questions: What is this green stuff every is using? is it actually called green stuff? do you apply it before or after gluing? how did everyone get the torso to stay on the legs? what about getting the tail to stick?

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New to this modeling stuff, Wyrd is the first company I've ordered miniatures from. That said, LCB was probably not a good model to begin with.

Questions: What is this green stuff every is using? is it actually called green stuff? do you apply it before or after gluing? how did everyone get the torso to stay on the legs? what about getting the tail to stick?

"Green stuff" is a modeling putty you can use to fill in gaps as well as sculpt stuff on your minis.

It's official name is epoxy modeling putty and it's pretty simple and easy to use regardless of skill level.

If you're new to minis, then yeah, Chompy Pants is probably not the best model to start with. However stick with it and you'll get it.

You might also want to consider pinning parts of him to his body to aid in stability and avoid having arms/legs/tails fall off.

If you can, I'd visit your local gaming store on a weekend and seek some help from some of the advanced hobbyists there.

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Agree with Hman. Only things I would add about Green stuff:

-Called Green stuff because it used to come in a ribbon that had a blue side and a yellow side. You would mix the two sides in equal proportion. You;d know it was mixed when it was a solid green. It available in many colors no and some companies sell them in tubes instead of ribbons.

-When sculpting or spreading the epoxy with your fingers or a tool. you will want to keep your fingers and tools wet. Otherwise the epoxy will stick horribly and you'll end up pulling off what you just applied. Just dip them in a cup of water when you feel the epoxy starting to stick.

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I removed the four nubs on the top of the torso sections and replaced them with sturdier pins, then after all of the chest was assembled and green puttied I filled the cavity with resin so I could put two pins in it to anchor it to the legs. To counter the balance issue I used a metal 50mm base.


Edited by Mentor
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I am so proud of myself!

I put my LCB together and he looks beastly, especially compared to the dreamer and colette's crew. I didn' tuse any rods, because I didn't know where to get them, but glue seems to be working just fine after I used a bit of a death grip on the pieces. He looked just like yours did, Mentor, only with some gaps(I don't know how to use putty just yet) and not as hunched because I wanted him taller and so took some pliers to his legs and feet.

Edit: Mentor, what are those pieces down at his base?

Edited by alemon
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Word of caution to everyone....don't drop your LCB. I know this should be obvious, but...lol. Especially if you trimmed any of the pegs on his arms to get them to assemble. I only dropped mine about 6 inches or so, but it was enough to wiggle the glue loose on his back left arm. I ended up having to pull it all the way loose, and then re-glue it. Luckily I didn't have to re-do any green stuff work, just repaint it.

Also, don't trim down the pegs as much as I did. :P Just use a file or something to get it to fit just right. I was a bit over zealous in wanting to assemble him, so I probably trimmed too much off the peg in trying to get it to mate to the hole properly.

In the end though, my LCB looks awesome, and I just know to hang onto him better now. I only dropped him because I was trying to paint some weird angle (probably between his legs or something), while trying to not hold onto any other recently painted parts.

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