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How do you guys rate the Minis?


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So to make a full post out of this, how do you guys think about the mini's. All of them have lots of character and persona for sure, however how would you guys rate quality?

This includes Assembly, mold lines, detail etc. compared to other miniature lines?

Please do keep in mind that we are trying to compare them to other "Character" mini's...So no use comparing a human sized model to a Privateer Press big and brutish Steamjack or Warbeast.

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when i first saw the minis without work (trimming, painting etc.) i thought they were rough, but after i painted them, the level of detail is great. The first confrontation minis were superb, but now they`re out, (NOTE: i`m grading this based solely to game miniatures!) for my taste, it goes like this in 2010, 1st place: infinity by corbus belly (almost as beautyful as the first confrontation) 2nd place: Okko (wonderful detailed miniatures, great game) 3rd place: indeed, malifaux, i like them more than gw, pp, etc.

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I want to preface this by saying that I've not had a lot of non-GW minis prior to picking up Malifaux and I've only painted 3 Malifaux minis (all Rotten Belles) so far, and I'm awful at the painting aspect of the hobby...

With that said, I feel like these models are excellent in that they are all very unique, styled and fun minis. I do feel like they are not quite as detailed as most GW minis, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

As far as prepping them I didn't have any issues. There were a few minor mold lines, and most of the models I've picked up require at most attaching one limb so far.

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the sculpts are top notch. especially the releases since last gen con. the older stuff is begining to show its age, but is still up there in terms of sculpt quality

the casting is on par with gw and pp with the caveat being that the one piece malifaux models seem to be much more dynamic in pose.

i like to paint more than any other aspect of the hobby and these models are a real treat.

my major gripe with gw is that everything is so samey. i get the whole army cohesion thought train, but once you've painted a gw dwarf, you've painted them all.

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I have a lot of Rackham metals from C3 and they are awesome. I'd have to rate wyrds minis as almost as good as Rackham which is a very high rating. Compared to GW, they are definitely better in all respects.

I'm not a fanboy but Wyrds minis are very,very good.

I loved Confrontation's Metals, but not their metal...my experience with some of their models (I believe it where the elves) where downright scary! Man did they have small joints and soft metal! Owwel the 30MM range should fix some offcourse, as their size is larger most of the joints and such are probably more robust.

Even though I hear that the Steamborg is a hell of a job to get together even he looks fair to me...

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The Steamborg just needs a little patience, mines holding together just fine. yes, the Cynwall elves were tricky, put a little green stuff to get a good join helped. I must admit the hardest model to assemble was the peacekeeper but I just use plenty of pins and greenstuff. I think being 32mm scale helps as everything is a bit bigger on the Wyrds minis.

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I'd say the Wyrd models are very good. The datail level is excellent, without adding alot of stuff to the model just for the sake of it, like GW. They usually have very little flash, and look great painted. The only thing that is not so good is that due to a lack of models to choose from, and the uniqueness of the models, conversion is difficult.

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Assembly: Several of the mnis are 'fidly' with very small contact surfaces. A pin vice and very small drill bits are almost a requirement. Several people have said they have no issues, but at least an even number have had nightmares doing assembly. Malifaux minis are the second I've ever needed a superglue 'kicker' on. (first being 1st edition PP Satyxis)

Mold lines: a few issues with mold lines, but not many. Definitely no worse than the competetors and usually far better. For the most part these have been very nice and I have to assume that Wyrd is changing out molds frequently.

Detail etc. compared to other miniature lines: Detail is excellent IMO and comparable to Rackham's metal minis. I'm not overly thrilled with the static look of some of the minis (Teddy comes to mind, I love the mini but at the same time it just looks to static to me) A few of the minis just don't appeal to me at all, but that is personal taste: The Fleash Construct and the Mosquito being the two I dislike the most. Conversions are not easy at all in my opinion (except for the occasional head swap as my sculpting abilities are pretty much nil)

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