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Dreamer Tactics and Ideas.


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I know its kinda early on to be asking for ideas when more than half of ya have not even been able to play a game or two with our reality warping pal. But none the less I can easily say I'm excited by him. The card looked awesome, and I have seen a good amount of potential but I'd like to see some other opinions of the Dreamer and LCB, how would YOU run him, what faults have you seen what would you use with him. Stratagem and all sorts of goodies for those of us whose blood run purple. So lets get our thinking :maskss on and try to crack this sucker.

As far as I see it. The way I intend to use him is to Use his first activation to use (0) I Can Fly, double walk fourteen inches hopefully into cover cast (0) Summon Day Dream using (+1) instinctual. Getting the :masks :masks trigger off both fetching you a Totem and All My Friends summoning nightmares some of which will give the Dreamer Shodowy Form (theoretically keeping him alive) and now your entire list deploying 14''+6''= 20'' up board on a 36'' table.

Now other than tactics we should logically discuss lists, He is obviously geared in the direction of working with Nightmares so my thoughts are always directed at 30SS games. My thoughts are rotating around (assuming the point values I quote are accurate)

Dreamer and LCB (+0)

Coppellius (+9) or Teddy (+9)

Alp X3 (+9)

Stiched Together X2 (+10)

And I leave an extra (+2) for Day Dream Summon

Any thoughts Modifacations or corrections on my list above?

LONG LIVE THE NEVERBORN! MAY THE HUMAN INTRUDERS CRUMBLE UNDER OUR MIGHT! Well now that that is aside, Please any input is apriciated.

Edited by thaehl
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I intended to do something along the same line.

I Can Fly!, Double Walk, Mask to trigger All My Friends for a 27"+ threat range.

You cannot do that however :)

Which I honestly think is a good thing as it seemed a bit strong.

Here's why.

Still thinking about how he'll work, though I guess I'll wait till I see the Nightmares.. Book2 C'MON NOW! xD

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Well, you don't need the extra two for a daydream summon since he adds a stone to his pool for every nightmare hired (up to 5 if memory serves me right) and it seems you have that covered.

Well where this is indeed true I feel I would use those five for casting and keeping both the Dreamer and in some cases the ever so fragile LCB from death.

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The Dreamer makes a real good rocket to shoot up field and deliver your army to the enemy's face. That said, none of the models (as per usual with Neverborn save a few) can really hope to last more then one turn. He is a scapel, and you need to use him delicately and carefully. Know when to press your whole force, but more then likely you will only ever deliver a few Nightmares at a time.

Plus his spell to grant the negative flips when defending against Nightmares is AWESOME btw. It makes it very hard to put up a fight against the Nightmare horde when your at a - on your df and wp duels.

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I got a game in with him with a few Teddy's last night, and here's what I was doing. I was facing Karai and her Spirits, so I would send a Teddy up early while keeping the other one buried. The first Teddy would engage, take down a Spirit, and then get counterattacked but not killed (not that difficult with Hard to Wound 2, so no cheating for high damage). Then the Dreamer would go, bury the first Teddy, and place the second Teddy in the first's place, giving another round of swings at the Spirits while hiding the wounded one. I just kept grabbing the Teddy's and moving them out of the way of combat as soon as they were hurt so they could never be finished off. By the end of the game, both of my Teddys were back to full life and still hurting my opponents' spirits.

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I got a game in with him with a few Teddy's last night, and here's what I was doing. I was facing Karai and her Spirits, so I would send a Teddy up early while keeping the other one buried. The first Teddy would engage, take down a Spirit, and then get counterattacked but not killed (not that difficult with Hard to Wound 2, so no cheating for high damage). Then the Dreamer would go, bury the first Teddy, and place the second Teddy in the first's place, giving another round of swings at the Spirits while hiding the wounded one. I just kept grabbing the Teddy's and moving them out of the way of combat as soon as they were hurt so they could never be finished off. By the end of the game, both of my Teddys were back to full life and still hurting my opponents' spirits.

Hmm. Regen works on Activation, doesn't it? If they are buried, do they activate?

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Hmm. Regen works on Activation, doesn't it? If they are buried, do they activate?

No - that's why I would bury the Teddy in the front lines and then unbury it further back (using a mask to trigger the unburying of both my Teddy's). It takes a couple of actions to do, but generally it's worth it because, like you said, it keeps your Teddy's activating and regenerating.

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No - that's why I would bury the Teddy in the front lines and then unbury it further back (using a mask to trigger the unburying of both my Teddy's). It takes a couple of actions to do, but generally it's worth it because, like you said, it keeps your Teddy's activating and regenerating.

Ah. Well, all is clear to me now.

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I played a couple games with the Dreamer, 3 Teddies, and a Doppelganger at GenCon. I was able to get this going several times and it worked nicely.

Dreamer Activates:

0: I can fly

1: Walk 7" towards target

0: Cast Inflict Dreams on target

1: Casts Frightening Dream to bring out a nightmare but most importantly triggering All My Friends dropping 2-3 Teddies within 4-6 inches of each other on the table and placing Lord Chompy Bits in the center of them preferably in melee with the target. (you're looking at a 14-16" threat range here depending if you want to go teeth or claws)

Chompy Activates:

1: Attacks target that now has a negative flip to the defense thanks to inflict dreams. If you have any Rams in your hand, use them so you can attack again using Onslaught.

+1 Melee Expert: Attack using a book to cheat specifically for the trigger. Use a soul stone to raise your value in case its a low card but you want to trigger All Done after the attack is resolved. So the Dreamer comes back at the end of the activation.

This usually killed my target and left the Dreamer nice and snug between several Teddies for Shadow Form. The following round I would try to repeat the above but this time casting Calm Dreams instead of walking.

Also another idea for when the squishy nightmares come out (particularly Alps) is holding back on casting Inflict Dreams and instead triggering Night Terrors when the Dreamer comes back into play right after Chompy does his thing. The terror/slow checks should aid nicely in keeping the kid alive.

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A few issues I want to put out there, how do you feel about these points.

On the stiched together, is either player allowed to Chear fate on the Gambling abilities that trigger WP-WP effects?

LCB seems quite fragile this makes me feel as though :tomes :masks All Done the best and most integral of all his triggers, would you agree? I feel It will keep him safe for the most part, we surely cannot rely only on SS to keep him safe forever. His power is there and numerically he is better than just about all other Big hitters, how do you plan to keep him chomping?

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Yeah there is nothing that says players cannot cheat the gambling duals, but we have ways to keep the opponents from doing it (Inflict Dreams)

And I agree with you that All Done is Chompy's best trigger. Keeping him out only during his/Dreamer's activation is our best chance to keep him alive. As long as there is enough models to keep Shadowy Form going, Dreamer can survive for Chompy to come back out on the next activation.

Although the All Done trigger won't be so integral once the Daydreams come out. Companion one to activate after Dreamer/Chompy to use its Calm Nightmares ability and Chompy goes away until the next activation.

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