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I won!!!!!!

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Hey guys. Just got home & heard the message about winning the painted crew at Gencon. Totally forgot about the drawing being Sunday. Wow, I still can't believe I won! Who do I need to contact to receive prize? I know you will be busy next couple of days getting back from the con. Thanks again.

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Congratulations! You had a whole isle of people hating you when we pulled your name, but we're just happy it's going to someone who will appreciate it!

It is the Painted Rasputina crew, and when I packed up minis, I made sure nathan knew where it was, so we should be able to get it out to you soon!

Thanks for the support!

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I was there when they pulled your name (so part of the crowd that yelled you won).

They went on to then pull 7 more names for some prizes they took off the shelf. You had to be there for those pulls. I think they wanted to thank their fans for all the support for the weekend. I happen to be the 4th name pulled who was actually there and got the new Kirai box (Spirits of Vengeance)!

It was very generous on their part. Thanks alot for being such a great company!


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Yep, I got skills!

But yeah, we couldn't let everyone who came to check out the raffle go home with nothing, and we really wanted to thank everyone for the support that helped make the show such a success! I'm almost positive the additional prizes for those people who show up in person will become a regular thing. I think it was about the most fun I had the whole show :D

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It really was a riot name after name. The best was pulling three names at once and them all being the same person regardless how well they were shuffled.

I do believe we were all seriously happy for the first guy just because it had gone on soooo long with no one being there. It was a great gesture by your company.



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