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Got my Malifaux bag today

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Well, I just got my Malifaux bag. It is actually smaller than I thought it was. Pretty tiny. Doesn't fit all my models (I have a bunch), but fits about 80% or so. Other than the size, I don't have any issues so far. Construction is solid and the plucked foam tray is pretty deep. Fits things like the Mature Nephilims, Killjoy, Teddy, Steamborg Executioner, etc fairly well.

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I currently have 3 factions in it, but I don't have all the models for each faction. I have a large number of resurrectionists, a decent number of archanists and a smaller number of neverborn in there currently.

I also have a small number of outcasts that I use as mercenaries for my other factions.

That being said, I do have enough points in the bag in all three factions to do a fairly large scale brawl. I haven't totalled up my exact count of points, but I'm sure I could easily field 70-80 points per faction.

I fits the models well, I just wasn't expecting it to be so small since I have another battlefoam bag (P.A.C.K. 432) and it's significantly larger.

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I was about to put up a post moaning about how I haven't received mine yet, when I suddenly get a knock on the door. It's arrived! :D

I have almost the entire Neverborn faction plus a few mercs and a 30SS Leviticus crew. The 30mm models fit into the trays well enough, although the taller models need to use the longer slots.

I was concerned about the 40mm models (currently a pair of Young Nephilim, soon to be another two Waldgeist), but if you angle them right they can actually squeeze into the largest slots. Not ideal but it saves me having to find space on the pluck foam tray.

Bad Juju and Teddy fit just fine into the pluckfoam tray, but jmp_mydog was right about the Mature Nephilim - his wings are just too large to fit him in. For the moment, I've fixed this by placing the second (currently empty) tray upside down onto the pluckfoam tray, so that the wings sit within two of the tray slots. Later on I'll probably grab a knife and cut those slots out so that it becomes a permanent space for the Mature Nephilim.

I'm a little freaked about trying to fit in that limited edition Lord Chomy Bits though. That's gonna be interesting!

One oddity - I ordered 7 (bulk order w. friends) but only received 4. Hmm?

EDIT: Ah, apparently they're sending them in two boxes.

Edited by Rathnard
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I'm still waiting for my local gaming shop to get the bags in before I decide to pick one up. I really need something for my Malifaux stuff so it isn't taking up space in my Warmachine/Hordes bag, but I want to make sure it has plenty of room for expansion. I only own about 40 points of Rasputina and the basic boxed set for Lilith, but I like so many of the crews that I can see myself needing a lot of space for my Malifaux stuff down the road. I want to pick up decent-sized crews for Marcus, Ramos, more stuff for Lilith, Kirai, Collette, Lady Justice, Sonia, The Dreamer/Lord Chompy Bits, and some mercs eventually.

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Bad Juju and Teddy fit just fine into the pluckfoam tray, but jmp_mydog was right about the Mature Nephilim - his wings are just too large to fit him in.

I'm a little freaked about trying to fit in that limited edition Lord Chomy Bits though. That's gonna be interesting!

You need to angle in the Mature Nephilim. The tip of his wing will still be just a touch outside of the foam, but it will not hurt it. The Battlefoam booth at GenCon has a LCB in their case. I'll try to get a cell phone pic of how he did it and post it tomorrow. Another one that I was worried about was the Peacekeeper, but he fits in perfectly if you stand the model up in the pluck foam.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered mine from Miniature Market as well, and by adding Book 2 I got free shipping (all orders over $75).

You might also try Malestrom Games (http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/). From their website: "we send your order free of charge - worldwide - as long as it's over £10! That means the price you see in red next to all our items is the price you pay regardless of where you live, and you'll receive your order as fast as possible."

Now just waiting on it to ship...

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I have had the bag a little while now and I agree with jmp_mydog as to its positives and negatives (use card sleeves on the decks and 3x5 hard sleeves on the stat cards and they won't fit in the bag...). It is great looking and well made, and currently fits all my minis -- but the accessory pockets could be larger (and there is room). I am considering selling it because if I already have to carry another bag (for cards and such), I might as well have a bag that fits all the foam I want, with room for books and tokens and such. Something like Outrider Hobbies Ranger bag is sweet, and I already have one for my Wings of War planes.

Haven't made up my mind yet, as the BF Malifaux bag is a nice small form factor for carrying what you need (minus a few odds and ends) -- especially if you don't use sleeves.

Just my two cents, YMMV...

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So, I have had the bag a little while now and I agree with jmp_mydog as to its positives and negatives (use card sleeves on the decks and 3x5 hard sleeves on the stat cards and they won't fit in the bag...). It is great looking and well made, and currently fits all my minis -- but the accessory pockets could be larger (and there is room).

Just my two cents, YMMV...

I just went ahead and ordered another tray

I did the custom design option

I set it up so that I have 3 stacks of my card sleeves (Used the 4x6 measurments) set in an "L" shape

I use a round, retractable tailors tape measure and slotted the foam with a 2.5" circle for it and a 2" circle next to it for my corpse/scrape counters

and had enough room to slot in 2 1x6" places for my dry erase markers and penciles

it was $15 + shipping

now every thing I use fits in my bag

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I picked up a Sabol case from the ware store while they were having that 'Juliet' sale. Got some existing plucked foam trays I had and am using that as my second Malifaux bag. Between the Battlefoam bag and the Sabol bag I can carry all my current set of figures but within 6 months I'll probably need a bigger bag. I may buy that bag from Outrider Hobbies, but so far my ordering experience with Outriders has been less than stellar. I placed an order back on September 1st and I have yet to hear anything about the status. No 'sorry we are delayed/backordered' or anything. I even emailed them asking about the status and have not gotten a response.

At least battlefoam would let you know if your order was going to be delayed and the answered my emails.

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Madman: that is a good idea, ordering a custom foam tray for the bits and pieces... Wish I had thought of that; I may do the same and order one myself. Still would have to put it in another bag, but maybe once I get better at the game I'll use the Malifaux bag to carry just what I need for game or tourney.

Kbdrand: Yeah, I got some Sabol Army Transports from their monthly sale as well. Now I may get rid of at least one. Trying to downsize and at the same time find the perfect collection of bags for miniature transport (if that is possible). One thing I am digging about the Ranger bags (and the Malifaux bag) is the way they unzip for easy access.

I am sorry to hear that you haven't had a good experience with Outrider Hobbies. I understand that he is trying to get this company off the ground while working another full-time job, and is fighting with his web page. Not an excuse, but there it is. I know he doesn't always answer e-mails right away, but I have received my orders within an acceptable period of time. I have his custom foam for Wings of War, and one of the MARPAT Ranger bags (just ordered another one) and have been very please both with price and workmanship, as well as the standard size (7.5x13) foam he works with. I'll mention this forum to him, and suggest you send him another e-mail; if I may ask, what did you order: foam or one of the bags (which don't ship for 6-8 weeks)?

Edited by KiltedWolf
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