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McMourning's Organ Donor


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So here's my question:

Let's say McMourning does 10 damage with Dissection, how many wounds does he get back if he has attacked a model with 4 wounds left? Lets assume the model had 7 to start but only 4 left.

Relevant info:

Organ Donor: When this model inflicts Dg with a melee attack, heal it an equal number of Wd. pg 127.

Damage: When a model suffers damage, reduce it's remaining wounds by one point for each point of damage suffered. A model reduced to 0 wounds is considered killed. Models can only suffer as many wounds as they have remaining, and can never be reduced to negative wounds. pg 55.

A) 4 Wounds as models can only suffer as many wounds as he has remaining

B) 10 Wounds as damage is irrespective to wounds suffered

C) Something else I haven't thought of?

We played yesterday and played it as A, but I'm not fully convinced. I feel I may have screwed my opponent by working it that way. In interests of playing it right I'd like to see what you guys think.

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the damage Maximum wounds example says the extra wounds are ignored.

pg 55 also says a model cannot take more damage than it has wounds.

since the ability doesn't say what we're equaling,

"When he inflicts Dg .. heal an equal number of Wd" he cannot heal more Wd than the model could suffer Dg.

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how does the ability not say what you are equaling? you quoted it yourself, inflict dg heal equal number of wds. dg = wd healed. therefore 10 dg inflicted (which would turn into wounds on the target and those extra would be ignored) equals 10 wds healed on McM.

a model can suffer infinite amount of dg, just not wds. however you are healing an amount equal to the dg, so while you are right that you can't heal more than the damage you can inflict, damage is not wounds. You inflict 10 damage, target takes X wds, you heal 10 wds.

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how does the ability not say what you are equaling? you quoted it yourself, inflict dg heal equal number of wds. dg = wd healed. therefore 10 dg inflicted (which would turn into wounds on the target and those extra would be ignored) equals 10 wds healed on McM.

a model can suffer infinite amount of dg, just not wds. however you are healing an amount equal to the dg, so while you are right that you can't heal more than the damage you can inflict, damage is not wounds. You inflict 10 damage, target takes X wds, you heal 10 wds.

This sounds correct to me.

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I've always played C:he doesn't heal any from dissection as it's a spell. Granted it does have the melee characteristic but yeah...

The local officianados said its that so I guess I just believed it!

Interested for an official ruling on this. Great question.

Your buddies are wrong there page 52 section on melee basics.

A model is considered to be making a melee attack if it is striking using a basic melee weapon or if it is casting a spell with (INSERT MELEE SYMBOL scratches) in its Range. ANy modifiers that affect models making melee attacks apply.

As for quoting myself, it mentions in the DAMAGE section of the rules that models don't take wounds into negatives. The implication is there that it could be a cap on damage as well, it doesn't explicitly say one way or the other which is why I asked the question. I'm sorry if I'm so dense that it isn't so black and white to me.

It would appear the consensus is the way you mention, which is why I asked the question to begin with, I'm sorry if not taking 'almost positive' as meaning it's a sure thing.

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its a very legitimate question

the reason i said almost positive is because i'm too lazy to look up an old thread where its been answered, i guarantee that is how it works though

also i was talking about mr smigs quoting it himself, when he said the ability doesn't say what the healed wounds equals

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I guess I should have checked the FAQ a little more closely I was expecting to see something under McMourning, but just noticed this:

Q: Is “damage inflicted” the amount of damage done

before things like Armor reduce the amount of wounds

taken? Or is “damage inflicted” after modifications to

damage made?

A: Damage inflicted is the total amount of damage a model

suffers before reducing effects are taken into account.

Incoming damage, including bonuses, is totaled, and then

inflicted on the recipient who has an opportunity to reduce

the inflicted damage before it is applied as wounds (p.55-56).

This seems clear to me that it's definitely B. Damage inflicted. Thanks to all that replied.

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