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Miranda Assault question (stop me if I'm wrong)


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I'm still getting into arcanists... so stop me if this has been discussed before (I didn't see anything on it yet)

Yes, I realize this requires 2 9+ of tomes and a 6+ of masks to pull off....

but... is the combo legal...

1. Activate Miranda

2. Discard a card for furious casting

3. Shapechange into a Razorspine Rattler (Cg 12)

4. Animal Instincts off a nearby Jackelope to Leap (12" unhindered)

5. Shapechange into a Sabertooth Cerberus

6. Use Three Headed to make 2 Strikes

7. 0 Action to transform back to Miranda

8. Use Melee Expert for another Strike.

in theory,

the following activation, Marcus could jaunt (Serpent charge) then Alpha Miranda to repeat the process and jump forward another 12" to another model...

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If im reading it here it looks as though, it indeed is legal. I think it looks a little cheesy but hey you cant go wrong with cheesy! Gratz on finding the combo and don't forget if you aren't holding all the needed cards, you can use a SS to ass to the flip and increase your cance of hitting the nessicary suits. Best of luck trying to pull it off Smigs.

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The combo does not work. Animal Instincts copies only (1) spells so copying (0) Leap with it is not allowed.

Something you could do is to start in Rattler form, charge 12" as (1) action, revert as (0) action, use Melee expert for 1 strike, Shapechange into a cerberus and use three heads for 2 additional strikes. This inflicts a total of 4 strikes but Myranda needs to begin in Rattler form.


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And furious casting alllows you to discard a control card and use 2 AP to gain 3 Casting Actions, and when transforming, your casting ability changes to that of the animal you changed into, so as the Serpent you wouldn't be able to pull off shape change since it requires :tomes :tomes

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And furious casting alllows you to discard a control card and use 2 AP to gain 3 Casting Actions, and when transforming, your casting ability changes to that of the animal you changed into, so as the Serpent you wouldn't be able to pull off shape change since it requires :tomes :tomes

ah.. the CB is :tomes

so revised...

Revert, take melee expert strike,

then shapeshift with the last casting action into the sabertooth...

alas, misread the animal instincts... (so no leap)

darn... teaches me to be building combos at 1 in the morning...

the basic is still there tho...

between Sabertooth and Miranda forms you have 3 attacks outside the casting...

tho, at this point, going with the Hoarcat Pride seems to be a better move for the insta-devour 3 times a turn...

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This is what makes me very curious about Myranda. A lot of people claim she is not very good in Marcus' crew. However, I just bought the crew and to me, she looks good. She can heal a beast just the same as Marcus, and she can also be a decent melee/distraction model. She looks more like support than anything else.

Basically, I can see the cerberus and Marcus running around together and then sending Myranda and rattler in the same direction. Yes, they can be surrounded but at least you could score a few hits before you die (which is also difficult to do, if I'm reading the cards right).

Maybe someone can explain to me the details but I like her.

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