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CrayolaSmoker's Various and Sundry

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After two particularly inspiring painting classes from the Wappels at Adepticon, I was hit hard by the painting bug. I haven't played a single game of Malifaux yet, but I've been eyeing the models since before there was a game. I quickly devoured the rulebook and jumped in with both feet. I grabbed a box (or two) and quickly slapped together some custom bases for the crew I felt the greatest affinity for. For the past several weeks, when not at work, nap-time for the twins has been "paint time" for me. With the exception of one canine that I had to strip, every Resurrectionist model I own is painted to a table-top standard. I'm ready to play!

Of course, this wouldn't be a showcase without pics, so without further ado...


The Resurrectionts: Body Thieves Box Set (substituting Zombie Chihuahua for Flesh Construct)


Dr. Douglas McMourning - Morgue Master


Sebastian - Morgue Assistant


Nurse #1


Nurse #2


Flesh Construct


Zombie Chihuahua with Canine Remains


McMourning's Crew

They're no studio minis, but I'm pretty damn proud of 'em. Not only for being the first time I've fully painted an "army" in any game system, but because I think I've pulled off a cohesive look and theme. I'm still trying to figure out if I want to do blood spatter on the bases. There's merits to both sides of the argument, but I'm still not sure I could pull it off effectively. We'll see.

Next up: The Death Marshals Box Set + Executioner (and a Doppleganger, 'cause that model's just screaming to be painted...)

P.S. The Chihuahua's coloring is modelled directly after my wife's Chihuahua. She thinks it's hysterical. And gross.

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Wonderful color scheme. I'm a huge fan of limited palettes, as they really add to the cohesiveness of a crew (or army) without being forced in to a "uniform" look. The colors have chosen and the basing create a stark, clinical look. I can imagine a set of glaring lights above them, and the smell of disinfectant and blood in the air. You've captured the morgue look wonderfully!


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Thank you all, for the kind words. I can't take full credit for the bases. While I made them from scratch and painted them myself, they were a direct product of taking James Wappel's "Here We Stand: Advanced Basing Techniques" class at Adepticon 2010. I can't speak highly enough of the classes on offer there. I haven't taken a bad one yet.

The colors have chosen and the basing create a stark, clinical look. I can imagine a set of glaring lights above them, and the smell of disinfectant and blood in the air. You've captured the morgue look wonderfully!

Thank you! That's what I was going for. When I began work on the bases, a full-sized terrain board, with dissection tables, meat locker, and experimentation suite started percolating in the back of my head. Perhaps sometimes this year I can make it a reality...

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I'm still trying to figure out if I want to do blood spatter on the bases. There's merits to both sides of the argument, but I'm still not sure I could pull it off effectively. We'll see.

I would, but not on all the bases. I'd probably put a little on mc mourning's base and Sebatsions base/saw and small trail of blood/bloddy foot print(s) following the Felsh Construct , nothing over the top or overwhelming to the base though, just a few splatters

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