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35ss Ramos List . . . your thoughts?


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I was looking at buying the last pieces to build this list, and so far it looks like a very flexible list.


Brass Arachnid - 2ss

Johan - 7ss (after discount)

Convict Gunslinger (6ss)

4x Steam Arachnids (12ss)

1 December Acolyte (6ss)

this should bring the total cost to 33ss giving Ramos a 5ss Cache.

I know I know, no Rusty Alyce, but I like having two great shooting models and still have a solid body guard for Ramos.

Your thoughts?

Edited by mylastnerv
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What's giving the discount on Joss?

Besides that question, have you considered the Steamborg Executioner? He is 10ss, but he is worth the serious amount of damage that he can deliver. He also poses the large threat to an opponent, causing them to probably focus a bit on him and leaving the rest of the group to position themselves.

And instead of 4 Steampunk Arachnids, having 1 Swarm and 1 Arachnid might benefit a bit more. Being able to hold objectives with having to spend a turn to combine the Arachnids and having a Swarm with 9 Wd gives it a higher chance at surviving.

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I might of done that math slightly wrong, and be off by one point. Johan is one less if with a group that is M&SU.

What to take out for the Steamborg? I've never really had much luck with, and I tend to like to run lots of smaller things that lots of big threats that are easy targets. Also, maybe having my Steamborg "Obeyed" to hell and back the last two games with him showed me he can be just as deadly to me as my enemy.

I also liked the flexibilty of having lots of little spiders and with Ramos making more early in the game I get a bit of variety as to where I can "form up" and keep the opposition guessing. Granted having the Melee Master and ability to heal up from the get go is prob a great idea.

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Whoops, sorry! Misread that as Joss.

But true, the Steamborg normally gets to be the target of spells like Obey or Self-Loathing.

The flexibility is great with the Arachnids, especially since they always cause the threat of Self-Destruct for a free 2 Dg. But having them possibly getting picked off by your opponents range is bad also, since they are running around with only 3 Wd. I suppose this has a more situational answer anyhow, when in Step 5: Hire Crews of the encounter, just make the choice based on the terrain setup and the scenarios you and your opponent got and schemes you chose.

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Thanks for the advice, I definitely see that as being very situational on the set up and just playing it smart as to what I do.

I think I like the "ranged" aspect of this list a bit, as I have lots of options as to how I initiate the attacks. I see this as being very adaptive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unless I missed something your list is only 32 points, you have an extra soulstone. Johan is base 6 (+1) out of faction (-1) dues paid, which brings him back to 6. I don't know anything about Ramos though, so can not really help with that. I want to say drop a spider and add a gamin, but I don't have any good reason other then it humors me to think about a lone gamin running around with all these spiders then suddenly blowing up twice.

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I may swap out one spider for an Ice Gamin, and give it a whirl. I think it is funny, and it gives a random ranged attack to possibly throw around if I get bored.

I will try to play with the steamborg some more in the future, I just have a hard time investing so many points in single models . . . . hence me not running Alyce in this list as well . . . . .

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I agree with progidal. My friend brings Ramos, ice gamin, and a steamborg executioner. And the fact that u control detonate the gamin for 4 dmg is awesome. Then u can always summon spiders later. Ya its kinda tuff, but it happens everyonce in a while. Then he uses the steamborg to quick charge my master If it is set up right. Using its knock aside. But like the others said, its all depending on who u play master wise. Cause yes I would also target the executioner for obey all day. But if u don't have to worry about obey I would bring it.

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Thanks for all the advice, I played a game yesterday without the December Acolytes and dropped a spider and subbed in the Steamborg.

He actually performed amazing. I've given this guy a bad rep for a while now, and I think I just played him very badly when I first started out.

I will now be using the big fella more often in the future.

Now gotta play around with those little ice gamin.

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