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Malifaux, Welcome to Sunrise, FL !


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Hey all,

My name is Erik, I work for the NHL's Florida Panthers and I really need a new off-season hobby ;)

(Our off-seasons last forever around here!)

I have a lot of gaming experience - I have about 5 years experience in 40K and about 9 in WM/Hordes, before that it was Vor...

The elements of Malifaux that are similar to vor (alternating activations, action points that can be used to attack or move, etc. ) along with the great looking mini's and small model count really drew me in.

Anyway, it will be great to get to know all of you and learn more about my latest addiction ;)

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Hi and welcome to Wyrd! Glad we could provide you a new offseason addiction, that's what we're here for! :D

As you'll also find, we have quite a lot of Hockey fans around here as well (stupid Sharks letting me down again), but perhaps you come here to get away from hearing about hockey...Can I ask what do you do with the Panthers?

Welcome!! enjoy your stay :)

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Thanks E,

I actually love talking hockey. (You should have heard the blue streak when I heard Tampa picked up Yzerman as GM!)

I do alot of stuff with the organization, mostly in Game Presentation, but I have been involved in a Media / Community Relations capacity as well. On game nights I work with the on and off-ice officials to keep the TV timeouts running smoothly, assist the game pres folks by calling the game for them so they can figure out what the next music / video they are going to play will be and provide the PA announcer with all the info (icing, offside, penalties, time outs, empty net, one minute to play...etc.)

On non-game nights, I write and act in scripts for their skits and help shoot the cheerleader's calendar (last few years it has been in the Bahamas).

Here is a youtube of me getting my ass kicked by a midget:



and after a 8-0 Panthers SO in Tor we did this one:



Anyway, enough of that. Who do you like in the Final? I say CHI in 5.

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It's ok Nathan, the season is nearly over (well, it's over for some of us, stupid sharks), so not much to talk about for a bit...but I'm sure we'll find something!

Yes, I think that Hockey is the officially the sport of Wyrd Miniatures...live with it...unless synchronized overworking is a sport?

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Yes, I think that Hockey is the officially the sport of Wyrd Miniatures...live with it...

I AM adding this to my sig!

Seriously though, I can understand Nathan not being so interested. I see Atlanta 8 times a year and man do they stink on ice.

I should probably also mention in the interests of full disclosure that I am a Wings fan, it's mandatory in my family if you want to be in the will ;)

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