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Greetings from St Louis


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I am really hoping to get my wife in to it too. Have you broached the subject? If so, what about it makes you think she'll be interested? The unique models, small number of models, setting, rules?

It would REALLY make me excited if I could get mine into it and have a built in play partner.

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hi and welcome to wyrd! We've actually heard quite a few times that Malifaux seems to have Wife/gf appeal. I think the combination of the settings, the game size, and mechanics seems less offensive than some of the other games out there. At least I hope that's the case!

Enjoy your stay on the forums!

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My wife has the numerical version of dyslexia (discalculia) so the cards vs dice mechanic may work better for her. Also, the smaller number of minis = good thing from just a monetary end. She's making noises about 'not having anyone to play with' due to time constraints (I'm 30-45 minutes from the shop that tends to have games and not free the nights that folks meet there...) so if I can get her hooked on this one it'll make it easier to play.

*waves to his local Henchan*

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Hey nova,

Glad to see you getting into this game as well. I can be at the shop on different nights/times if you'd like to try out the game.

I've seen a few more wives/girlfriends interested in this game. Mine however is a lost cause for any type of gaming. She's math challenged as well and just too uninterested to attempt to learn rules.

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