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Seamus Proxy


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Does anyone know of mini that would stand as a decent Seamus proxy?

I intend to buy the Redchappel Gang for Sybelle and the Belles (basically scoring Seamus for free or damn close). I'll have the goofy bastard on hand if I absolutely need to use the model in a tourney situation or something, but I'd otherwise prefer to keep Magically Delicious on the sideline. Hit the showers, Hatter!

I love his fluff and his stat card makes me smile, but the mini doesn't work for me. He sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the Resurrectionist line ... which was probably the point ... which I can appreciate. That said, the psychotic Leprechaun (compounded exponentially by Copycat Killer) + Mad Hatter motif doesn't fly in my eyes. I'd prefer Jack the Ripper + Bill "The Butcher" Cutting, if forced to be specific. He's supposed to be the scariest dude on two legs, but all I want is his Lucky Charms. In a totally platonic sort of way.

I realize it's his reputation that's meant to be Terrifying, what with all the mutilated corpses left in his wake, but I simply can't come to terms with it.

It's about the only model in the Res line I can't bring myself to field. Though I'm not a massive fan of the Flesh Construct, he'll be in the mix, poop-eating grin and all. Beyond that, I adore the entire decaying mess. I sincerely hope Wyrd will forgive me for this one transgression. :notworthy

So anyway. Proxy. Can anyone think of a mini that would suit? I'm not afraid of a little greenstuff and some relatively simple conversion, but I'm no artist. Any thoughts?

Edited by Hatchethead
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I must admit I love the Seamus sculpt... I think the fact that he is so clean and unmarred makes him terrifying amongst a bunch of dirty so and so's....

But I saw this mini the other day at fiendish fabrications in a thread that made me think of a jack the ripper character... It's designed in a sweeny todd style I think, but the chirugeon barber looks freaky to me...

Fiendish Fabrications is an Australian company, but you may be able to find Gothica Mini's from a different place too if they are not exclusive.


Edit: Ooops, realised he doesn't have a pistol sculpted... up to you if that's important or if you can sculpt a pistol onto him/into his hand.

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Chronoscope (Reaper) makes a Jack the Ripper model. He comes with a couple of arm choices, but no gun. It may be a bit on the small side though, since Malifaux figures are 32mm as opposed to 28mm, they always seem a bit beefier than some other lines.

Could you avoid the Lucky Charms feel by going with a different, darker color scheme? Or is there something inherent in the sculpt, e.g. the face and the smile?

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Thanks for the suggestions. The Reaper model has a LOT in common with Seamus, doesn't he? Replace the knife with a gun and you're in the same bleachers of the same ballpark. The Chirugeon Barber is definitely creepy. His face is odd, but that's what makes him "not quite right."

Could you avoid the Lucky Charms feel by going with a different, darker color scheme? Or is there something inherent in the sculpt, e.g. the face and the smile?

I saw a pic of a Seamus done in muted earth tones just the other day, with pinstripes on his pants and hat. It did take the edge off a little bit. I love a model with a sense of humor but he crosses a line between funny/creepy and Saturday morning cartoon-ish. The proportions of his outfit, tiny waist, platform shoes, massive hat, the laughably huge blade on the gun, I dunno.

There I things I definitely like about the model, don't get me wrong. You mentioned his face, which is great. His grin is a keeper.

I must admit I love the Seamus sculpt... I think the fact that he is so clean and unmarred makes him terrifying amongst a bunch of dirty so and so's....

Understandable, though I find him too exaggerated moreso than too un-Res(?), compared not only to his own faction but to the entire line of Malifaux minis. Like I said, I'll have the model in hand when I pick up the Redchappel Gang. Maybe my opinion will change when I start considering color scheme/basing possibilities. If he does get painted, it'll definitely be in muted tones to avoid highlighting his cartoon-ish quality ... though I'd likely include a real nice shock of screaming red on him somewhere. Red and light browns, hmm.

One thing is for certain: the blade on the gun is coming off. Simple snip and file job, maybe a little greenstuff cleanup. That'll remove one cartoon exaggeration, reduce the height. Combine that with a muted color scheme ...?

Though he's definitely my least favorite Res miniature, Seamus is still a Wyrd miniature; which means it's hard to replace him. Finding a proxy that looks good on a table next to Wyrd models is a tough ask.

Thanks again!

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Oh hey, The Sweeney mini is nice. Replace his razor with a gun, add a satchel to his other hand, somehow get a top hot on there ... done deal. I make it sound easy on paper. It's likely a conversion well beyond my current capabilities.

25mm base? I assume he's a little on the small side?

Holy crap Chucklemonkey, those Smog sculpts are awesome. Tim Burton's frontal lobe in epoxy. The Ripper model is certainly cool, maybe a tad too feral for Seamus but a wicked piece otherwise (it would definitely justify his Terrifying).

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Holy crap Chucklemonkey, those Smog sculpts are awesome. Tim Burton's frontal lobe in epoxy. The Ripper model is certainly cool, maybe a tad too feral for Seamus but a wicked piece otherwise (it would definitely justify his Terrifying).

They are cool and I had them sitting on the sideline for proxies but as Gav has pointed out they are 54mm scale so waaay too big.

Still nice models tho...

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Hm... Well... I can say I agree with you on the model: too cheerful for my tastes. However, I've found that a few simple transfigurations can make him a little more inspiring of the less-than-mocking reactions. For instance, my friend is an excellent painter/sculpt manipulator, and regretfully I don't have a picture of his Seamus figure, but he made a few fairly simple changes which I thought suited him quite well. He added a big scar running from forehead to jaw, with a sculpy eyepatch, and kind of "toned down" his wardrobe, making the hat smaller by cutting off a section from the top, the gun sleeker, and replaced the "bag o' tools" with a fairly wicked razor a la Sweeny Todd. Coupled with a darker, gorier paint job, and a base complete with bleeding corpse, Seamus became a face of death true to his reputation. Maybe I'll ask if he has a picture handy...

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They are cool and I had them sitting on the sideline for proxies but as Gav has pointed out they are 54mm scale so waaay too big.

Still nice models tho...

Absolutely. Is there a game system attached to them? I didn't even think to look ...

Hm... Well... I can say I agree with you on the model: too cheerful for my tastes. However, I've found that a few simple transfigurations can make him a little more inspiring of the less-than-mocking reactions. For instance, my friend is an excellent painter/sculpt manipulator, and regretfully I don't have a picture of his Seamus figure, but he made a few fairly simple changes which I thought suited him quite well. He added a big scar running from forehead to jaw, with a sculpy eyepatch, and kind of "toned down" his wardrobe, making the hat smaller by cutting off a section from the top, the gun sleeker, and replaced the "bag o' tools" with a fairly wicked razor a la Sweeny Todd. Coupled with a darker, gorier paint job, and a base complete with bleeding corpse, Seamus became a face of death true to his reputation. Maybe I'll ask if he has a picture handy...

Please do! I'd be very interested to see it. Since my Seamus will be gathering dust on a shelf, unloved and unpainted, there'll be no rush to get him table ready; plenty of time to consider different ways to convert him.

Not sure I'd add an eyepatch, but the rest sounds interesting! :)

A proxy would be nice, obviously I'd prefer to convert in the interest of being tournament legal. I'm just not that talented when it comes to modeling, the thought doesn't fill me with confidence. But, I suppose, if I'm gonna mutilate someone ... it might as well be Seamus.

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@ Sozoa

Smog is a wip game system, on Salute they promised the release by this summer.

Thanks, Talisko. If the game ends up being half as nice as the minis I'll have to start eBaying my GW stuff.

and last Salute they promised to have *something* for this year.. so far we know nuffin; not even if it's a board game :P

Drag. But no rush! I'll be plenty busy with Malifaux in the meantime ... :rock:

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