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Any plans for a magazine?


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You know, one thing I hate about a lot of the 'TTG' mags mentioned is that they are often just a big advert that you pay for...

The Chronicles is a waaay better format IMO. Think about it:

> Freely available, so great to get new folks interested.

> No back-issue problems.

> Wyrd doesn't have an obligation to publish one every 'x' months.

> Wyrd can concentrate the all the awesome stories, artwork, modelling articles and model green previews into each issue, and since you download it from their site, leave the unsubtle advertising out.

> Chronicles feels more like a product made with great care and affection for the love of the game and released to a rapt audience who feel likewise than a cynical "hay guyz, buy moar shineyz to pwn wit!" message dressed as a tactics article riddled with rules errors in a giant advert you have to pay money for.

> Chronicles take up *much* less space on my bookshelf, and I can take them anywhere with me on a flash drive if I want to.

So yeah. I hope that the Wyrd Chronicles continue in their present format, and that they are produced whenever the Wyrd team feel they have enough suitable material to put one out - 'cos I personally love 'em just the way they are!

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You know, one thing I hate about a lot of the 'TTG' mags mentioned is that they are often just a big advert that you pay for...

The Chronicles is a waaay better format IMO. Think about it:

> Freely available, so great to get new folks interested.

> No back-issue problems.

> Wyrd doesn't have an obligation to publish one every 'x' months.

> Wyrd can concentrate the all the awesome stories, artwork, modelling articles and model green previews into each issue, and since you download it from their site, leave the unsubtle advertising out.

> Chronicles feels more like a product made with great care and affection for the love of the game and released to a rapt audience who feel likewise than a cynical "hay guyz, buy moar shineyz to pwn wit!" message dressed as a tactics article riddled with rules errors in a giant advert you have to pay money for.

> Chronicles take up *much* less space on my bookshelf, and I can take them anywhere with me on a flash drive if I want to.

So yeah. I hope that the Wyrd Chronicles continue in their present format, and that they are produced whenever the Wyrd team feel they have enough suitable material to put one out - 'cos I personally love 'em just the way they are!

Yeah, I totally agree with all of this.

It's not just an add, and you can tell some real thought has gone into the content.

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That being said, I don't mind the fact that it is download only.
That is the part I like the most. I haven't bought or read more than one No Quarter and don't plan to. But I still own a number of WM/H models and love the game.

That said I just got into Malifuax and I have read all the Chronicles and feel that Wryd is confident enough to give these out for free because it is their game that they will make their money from and players will continue to purchase and introduce new players for sometime to come. The Rag should be there to get players more into the feel of the game, which in the end encourages players to build more crews.

The other games took several years to build a fan base and get their name out there. This game took a year. And Wryd is not competing with the other games because it is different enough to attract players from other games while still being cheap enough for the new player to justify starting a new game.

Smart business plan for the smaller and newer company. Their business model will be watched and followed by others, just wait and see.

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But we have had a number of problems of users that cannot download them or read them in their current format. And to "take it with you" requires a big print job that can cost nearly as much as a published mag.

We're still discussing pros and cons of both formats.

I had those same problems, but updating acrobat solved them. I would bet that would help them as well.

And I don't see much use in taking them around with me. It's not like there are rules I need to play the game I need in there. (thank God, third edition 40k was hell.) And, even if you guys do release new rules in there, I'd be willing to bet they'll just be models. And when you buy a model, it comes with a card with all it's rules, so you don't need to lug a magazine around with you.

Also, as things like blackberrys and various hand held devices become more efficient and cheaper and more people have access to them, more and more paper media is going to be swallowed up by its digital counter part.

But that's just my two cents.

I'd shell out the money for a wyrd chronicles in ink so long as the content was as good as it is now and you guys didn't go charging ten bucks for it. (like some companies that shall go unnamed) But I still prefer the digital version.

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One thing though, just because I like making double posts...

I think the vast majority of veteran gamers (which I think would qualify most anyone on this site) are going to prefer the chronicles the way they are now. They are informative, entertaining, accessible, and free.

HOWEVER, the style white dwarf has is far better for getting newer players into the game. Older gamers complain it's one big add, but that's the point. Someone who has never heard of 40k can pick it up off the shelf at the local store and get a good, general feel of the game and possibly be sold on it.

If you're already at the wyrd site, you already know about Malifaux. And, although it's a fantastic piece if you're already into the game, I don't think it does nearly as good a job advertising Malifaux as White Dwarf does 40k, because the chronicles presume some base knowledge of the game...and white dwarf is nothing but an add, can't beat that. And, let's face it, new players is where the money is.

So, I think the question of what to do with the chronicles is as much a question of which direction the company is going to take as it is one of "which format works best for our customers?" Because, to answer that you have to ask, "who are our customers?"

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First, Lalo- happy birthday.

Don't forget, too, that the people writing articles, fiction, the art...they usually like doing that for money. "download it free" usually means "so there's no money in it".

In the first couple of years we all signed on knowing it was a "mom and pop shop" and everything was voluntary. Keeping the work load high for any long period of time on a voluntary level though usually sees some people hit the burnout too fast.

So, as the company grows, their product gets more polished, which means better people, which means more money to attract and keep them.

We're at the "product gets more polished" stage. The mag - however it's released in the future - will look better, too.

this thread discussion will, no doubt, get a look at and a conversation about.

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First, Lalo- happy birthday.

Don't forget, too, that the people writing articles, fiction, the art...they usually like doing that for money. "download it free" usually means "so there's no money in it".

In the first couple of years we all signed on knowing it was a "mom and pop shop" and everything was voluntary. Keeping the work load high for any long period of time on a voluntary level though usually sees some people hit the burnout too fast.

So, as the company grows, their product gets more polished, which means better people, which means more money to attract and keep them.

We're at the "product gets more polished" stage. The mag - however it's released in the future - will look better, too.

this thread discussion will, no doubt, get a look at and a conversation about.

Thanks! :)

That's totally understandable.

But I like the current way of doing things, free or not.

I would pay to download the wyrd chronicles. Presumably it will still be cheaper than an actual paper copy thanks to eliminating printing costs. Now, if it was the same price as a white dwarf, I may pass. But, I pass on white dwarf as well.

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