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Cheating down freindly models


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I guess I just don't understand the whole "you can cheat down friendly duels" thing. Does that mean you can cheat fate and choose the lower card if you want, or does it mean that you can say a check fails arbitrarily without cards coming into play? In reading some of the information about friendly duels it read to me like you could just say the duel turned out however you wanted regardless of the cards pulled. Is there somewhere that it explains how friendly duels work for the dummies out there (myself being the chief dummy in this case)?

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When you cheat fate you can REPLACE the card you have flipped for another from your hand, as long as the flip does not have a negative twist. Then you can play a lower card which will replace your higher flipped card.

Duels against friendly models work exactly the same way as against enemy models, although you are the only part involved.

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I guess I just don't understand the whole "you can cheat down friendly duels" thing. Does that mean you can cheat fate and choose the lower card if you want, or does it mean that you can say a check fails arbitrarily without cards coming into play? In reading some of the information about friendly duels it read to me like you could just say the duel turned out however you wanted regardless of the cards pulled. Is there somewhere that it explains how friendly duels work for the dummies out there (myself being the chief dummy in this case)?

What information are you talking about? Are you talking about friendly models resisting a spell?

If so, please refer to the Errata document.

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You can make attacks and cast magic spells requiring a duel on friendly targets. When you do an attack, you flip a card for the attack and for the defense announcing which flip is which. Then you can cheat which card you want with your control hand. So if your model you're attacking defends againest the attack because you pull a ridiculous high card and your attacking model pulls a low card, you can use, lets say, the ace in your hand to cheat down the defending models total so the attack connects.

Now it's different when you cast a spell that requires a resist on a friendly model. You still announce who is casting the spell and who the spell is being cast on and then you flip the attack and defense card for each. But on a spell you can simply say for the defender that you drop their total to a tie so that it does off per the Errata.

Example: So lets say you use Sonnia's spell that damages a model and if the model dies, you summon a Stalker to its place and cast it on a Stalker that is at one wound. So you flip a card for Sonnia's cast and it goes off. You then flip a card for the Stalker's defense and it exceeds the casting total (so he resists), without cheating you can say you drop it to a tie and it goes off (you can only do this with spells on friendly models). Stalker dies, blows up with its pulse, and then you have a new Stalker.

So you still have to pull cards. You can't just declare attack and defense and say "Oh hey, it goes off." For attack, if your defending models total is higher then the attack, you have to cheat it if you want. If you don't, it doesn't connect. For a spell after you flip the casting total and defense total, you can drop your friendly model's total to a tie without cheating.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Yzzuf
Edited for clarity.
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What information are you talking about? Are you talking about friendly models resisting a spell?

If so, please refer to the Errata document.

Yeah, I think the whole friendly spell resist thing is what was throwing me off. So for a friendly spell resist, if you can just announce that it ties why even flip at all?

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because it still requires card usage, you have a finite number of cards, and there is random luck in play to use X number of cards while you can state that it will tie, you still have to flip a card, and use up one of your 54 cards in your deck. So it will allow you to still have your friendly lose (if that's what you wanted) when you managed to flip the red joker. but a tie on a damage spell mean you'd flip at :-fate :-fate for damage, which if the goal was to say make your Ice Gamin explode and you want the :blasts, a tie is not the way you want to go.

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