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Convictgunslinger model


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I like the model too, although he is a little larger scale than most other Mercs (and dwarfs Hamelin).

Santiago (as mentioned) or Francisco Ortega would be fine as stand-ins, or if you don't mind a model from a different company, there are a few Privateer Press models that might work (Draegyn the Bastard, Taryn di la Rovissi or Valeria Alvaro (if you want a girl), Pistol Wraith (if you want something more ethereal). Aside from that anything Steampunk, Victorian or Wild West would work (which is nearly any figure range), gawd bless the eclectic style of Malifaux :).

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What is it about the convict gunslinger you don't like?

There are literally dozens of suitable models I could suggest, but I generally prefer to suggest similar-looking models for proxies (as it is easier for your opponents to know at a glance what the model is supposed to be), and I don't want to propose something that has the same features that you didn't like on the orginal.

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The official model is not my favourite either so I have decided to convert him to match my Ortega crew. I though about using green stuff to add a scarf similar to Santiago on his neck, eyebrows, moustache, long hair and a shaggy beard. Maybe change his knee pads as well. Throw in a sombrero for a finish and call him Crazy Pedro Ortega, their dirty old uncle who has a bad temper.


Edited by Ropetus
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I dislike the official model too. I don't mind using a proxy personally, but I'm not happy with that solution because it would be illegal for tournament usage (I'm going to be at Gencon).

My temporary solution is just to not use the Gunslinger but I wish I could find a better one. I'll have to look into converting an Ortega or something as an option.

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  • 1 month later...

Personally I love the Wyrd sculpt and plan to copy the art in the book when I paint it. However I would love an all female Viktoria crew, so like you I have been looking around for a proxy to use when I want to go with an all female crew. Personally I want a big-boned female with two guns as proxy, but sadly I don't think there are any big-bone females out there in male dominated miniature wold LOL (Hasslefree has Libby, but I can't find a suitable one to use or convert). I would love if Wyrd would do an alternative sculpt to some of their models.

Hasslefree Miniatures has a bunch you can proxy for it. There are two from Incursion/Grindhouse Games that I like, Gretl Von X and Ilsa Von X. There there are the Metropolis models.

EDIT: Ohh just realized I used to play Rezolution and have some APAC and Ronin that have dual pistols! LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am in the middle of painting my Gunslinger, and I have to agree the model is great. Full of character and fun to paint.

The only Wyrd model I have wanted to change so far is Teddy - I plan on using the Heresy Snow Troll for the body and doing a head swap/ GS the heart on his chest.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
The official model is not my favourite either so I have decided to convert him to match my Ortega crew. I though about using green stuff to add a scarf similar to Santiago on his neck, eyebrows, moustache, long hair and a shaggy beard. Maybe change his knee pads as well. Throw in a sombrero for a finish and call him Crazy Pedro Ortega, their dirty old uncle who has a bad temper.

Got a pic of this guy?

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