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I'm almost embarrassed to show these...

Gremlin Luv

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One of my bud pointed out to me last night that this pig must have been very constipated...the poo pile is rather large. But I guess it is fitting, seeing the expression on his face haha. I'm working on the other 3 piglets I have, still don't have the right style of reeds for my bases, I do not want to settle.

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I hope the good minis people show don't discourage people to post whatever skill level they paint minis at. It's all about fun and learning so I'm glad you posted.

To this I can only quote;

They look good. Painted minis are always better than unpainted ones.

Had a bunch more I was going to comment on but it has pretty much already been covered, so I wont kill it. :dead:

One of my bud pointed out to me last night that this pig must have been very constipated...the poo pile is rather large. But I guess it is fitting, seeing the expression on his face haha. I'm working on the other 3 piglets I have, still don't have the right style of reeds for my bases, I do not want to settle.

Now if you threw some wings on him and made him a flying pooping piglet that would be absolutely hillarious. Question for you, l Love the piglets skin, what is the recipe if you dont mind?

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My pleasure Omen, I used all GW paints on the piglets. I started with an undercoat of graveyard earth which was washed with devlan mud mixed with a splash of badab black (somwhere near 5:1 mud:black). Then a highlight of graveyard, then layered graveyard:elf flesh with the first layer being 3:1 then 2:1. The snout went up 1:1 drybrush highlight , then got a layer of blood red followed by 1:4-5 (to preferred tone) :2 graveyard:elf flesh:blood red to get the tissue pink I was looking for. The nose got a final wash of devlan mud

Edited by Gremlin Luv
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  • 2 weeks later...

These are great! You can never have too many Piglets or Bayou Gremlins, so this thread's just gonna keep growing.

The older skin is nice, maybe a touch more of the grey and elf flesh.

The banjo on the sitting spyglass gremlin is perfect! Why didn't I think of that before? I'm totally going to "borrow" that one, sir.

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One tidbit I found a while back to make reeds was to buy a short length of thick natural fiber rope. Separate and cut the strands to a size you like, then use a dot of white glue to hold them on. I used this on my swamp terrain and it looks good and is also pretty durable.

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Angel, I think you are right. I'll try a small rehighlight with a touch more grey added in. Unfortunately, I wish I could stop buying gremlins but that's impossible! I want to try and convert a harmonica for one, but I suck with green stuff.

Dgraz, I wish I would have seen that earlier! I bought some reed type grass from a hobby store and cut it down, but followed the same idea. I do need pictures up very soon and hopefully I will be tonight! Grad school is killing me.

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New pics! Also, see my Ortega blog for pictures of Perdita, Francisco, and other assorted projects I'll be working on. I recently purchased a gremlinette, so after I paint my current slated model for a competition I'll paint the last three gremlins and then on to Nino.

Billy Ray, the violinist for the hootenany!




And now, some old mini's with improved bases!







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