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Ok i'm new to the game, and have briefly skimmed threw the rule book, and have a general idea how the game works.

I was planning on running Ramos, and a steamborg. but im not sure what else to run with ramos?

I currently own ramos, injun joss, arachnid swarm, golem, hans, convict gunslinger, and bishop, lady hammer strike, and a few other minis from the guild.

I'm thinking about picking up the desolation engine and killjoy. but im not sure how well they will work with ramos.

So any help would be appreciated.

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Well seeing that you are in Gresham, there is a demo that will be happeing over at Knightfall Games (http://knightfallgames.com/) in Beaverton tomorrow where you can talk with one of the local henchman (he happens to run ramos, frequently) and you can get a chance to see your options, form 6-9.

As for ramos, you'll need spiders, lots of them as he tends to frequently need to keep making them over and over. the Steamborg is great as a heavy hitter and can definitely bring the hurt. The Swarm and the Arachnids you'll need both as the swarm can break down into individual spiders and vice versa.

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Goblyn is on the money with Spiders and Borg.

Don't forget the Brass Arachnid for when you need to pick up a treasure token fast.

Its also worth considering a Cerberus for speed when Strategies require it, you may not want to wait on a high Tomes to get to the centre.

Rusty Alyce is worth considering in 30SS+

The Desolation Engine is a beautiful model but will need Steampunk Abominations released and Leveticus is the only Master they'll really work with. I'm looking forward to it.

Killjoy might work, personally I just love the Steamborg.

I thought the Borg was too expensive at first but he just keeps being my MVP game after game.

Combat 7 with Paired (positive twist to hit) will hit anything.

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cool, I was planning on buying more of the arachnid swarms. I wish I was able to make it out to knightfall, but my truck is broken right now, and from what i have seen looking online its a pain to get to by light rail and bus.. if it was at guardian games it would be easier for me to get to...

a few of us at nexus games out here in gresham are looking to start playing the game. right now we are waiting on the cards for the minis.

I just though the desolation engine and kill joy would be an interesting team on the board.. i don't think they would work well with Ramos thou : (

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killjoy can be a nice surprise bodyguard to bring in; however, he's very costly for small games. 12 plus having to sacrifice a model.

basics for ramos i like bringing brass arachnid, arachnid swarm, rusty alyce (35 stone or higher) and a steamborg

Joss is nice, but for one stone more I think the steamborg has more to offer.

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from what i've read it takes some finesse to run Leveticus. but I'll do some reading today when i go to the local shop.

as far as kill joy goes, cant you sacrifice one of the arachnids to bring him in play? ( a heavily damage one preferably) after all ramos seems to make them fairly easly so one wont be missed..Or will it?

like i said im new and just trying to get some ideas. i appreciate all the input and advice. oh and bug king when are we going to see some more malifaux terrain on the terrain thralls?? maybe so tutorials on building making or something ;)

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