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Which totem for 'Tina?


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Just got the model for Wendigo but haven't had a chamce to use him yet. I usually run the Essence of Power. I have been looking at the Student of conflict.

I like running the essence of Power with Rasputina because of the extra damage flip. Wendigo seems like he can run out on his own, and possibly survive for a while, and throw out some of rasputina's spells. Student seems like it would be a magnet for attacks and not last long.

Let me hear some thoughts and opinions.

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I usuallu use the Essence, like you said, the extra damage flip is nice. I usually activate it first, also, to cast December's Touch on 'Tina. The Essence is my totem of choice when running a construct heavy list.

I use my Wendigo when I have a list that tends to spread out more. I usually run it behind my Cerberus, spamming December's Touch to give it armor until the Cerberus uses it's greater movement for an assasination run or a token grab.

I've never used the Student of Conflict, so I can't help much there. It seems though that the point behind using it would be to give 'Tina fast, for an additional casting of December's Curse. In that case I think you would benefit more from the +1 flip from Essence of Power. With blast damage potential, and the ability to cheat to trigger Overpower, more damage per shot would probably be worth more than an additional shot.

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  • 2 years later...

The fast from student of conflict could be used to move another 3", never a bad thing for her. Another option is the arcane effigy. +1 casting ap for Tina, plus a lot of other handy abilities, makes a decent bodyguard, but it is 4ss and a special forces model. I generality take essence when I am facing bigger opponents where I need max damage, and the effigy when I am facing lots of weaker enemies and I would rather cast more spells at average damage.

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I have to say I have always liked running the windigo. But just the other day I ran the arcane effigy and it was nice having the extra ap and the aetheric bolt is preaty sweet. My issue is that I have never used raspy against ressers before it was always guild, outcast, and neverborn. For my stones the windigo always seemed a better choice as I really never needed the + flip for damage, I can typically get overpower to go off so the plus flip was never really needed. However, I have to say if I go up against readers with her in thefuture EoP is the totum I will be taking almost everything had hard to wound and I was only able to kill like two models with her. I litterally could not believe it ., but I will be ready next time.

I can see SoC being a good one if you really want to give Raspy extra walks out side of giving her more speed I would go with the others I think for extra casting the effigy is a better choice. To bad the arcane resovoir doesn't work with her.

I say for more damage go EoP (greater damage potential per hit)

For more speed go SoC (this one though let's you spend as you need it)

For more casting Arcane Effigy (greater potential for more attacks, so could cause greatest overall damage)

And for more board coverage Windigo (allowes for flanking type attacks using Raspy spells)

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