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Where's Teddy?


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Sitting in a post office I can't access during work hours, that's where.

So I'm really keen to know how he performs.

Has anyone proxied him / played with the model yet?

I'm going to be cracking open Pandora's Woes for the first time tomorrow and would love to know the ins and outs of Teddy herding.

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Considering you can use Harmless Kade to bring Teddy into the combat (and even when he's not harmless you have his massive Defense of 7 to keep him alive) I think it would seem a no-brainer that these two compliment each other. Teddy does seem robust enough to keep himself alive though with Regenerate 2 and his Dead of Night ability working well to get him into Combat. For a big beastie he has a respectable Defense of 4 as well (better than my fatty executioner!). He is on the high-side of cost however at Nine souls.

He seems like a model for 30 soul games, backed up by one (probably not both) of the kids, Pandora and some Woes to paralyze and control activation order so he can pick on the models he likes without being hit too early on. You could also always pair him with Candy to heal him up as he moves.

I'll be ordering this guy for my Neverborn force when my Guild is done no doubt... so I'll look forward to hearing how he does for you. :)

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I proxied him a few weeks ago...

I found the 'smell fear' ability combined with pandoras trigger works very well.

You run Kade with pandora, get kade nice and close or in combat. With his last AP, use 'where's teddy' and swap them over. Activate teddy and use his zero 'smell fear' along with mauling what ever you can reach. Then use pandora and aim for the trigger and watch teddy charge again!

Very fun!

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How does Smell Fear work if it triggers while you are in melee?

Apparently you can't Charge if you start your activation in melee range...but is Smell Fear an activation?

I remember something similiar happening with Seamus and we let him do it providing he dodged the disengaging Strike.

I guess it would be the same for Teddy if he left his target standing?

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I remember something similiar happening with Seamus and we let him do it providing he dodged the disengaging Strike.

I guess it would be the same for Teddy if he left his target standing?

Nah that guy was cheating for sure...

You should have argued harder and prevented him from charging out.


Maybe then poor my Seamus wouldn't have got his face melted by Rasputina on her next activation.


I would still say that abilities that give you a free charge would still be ok to use as RAI but then again I'm happy to be corrected.

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In the melee rules section under Charge its pretty much says you can't charge if you start your activation in melee.

Personally I don't reckon triggering off Smell Fear is starting your activation...but then you do get a strike of opportunity which isn't shocking, will waste the Charge though.

Is anyone here not typing at work?

My kingdom for a rulebook!

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Actually Khail is completely correct. Re-read the entry on page 52. Melee Basics bullet 4:

A model cannot Charge an enemy if it began its activation in the enemy model's melee range, but its movement is otherwise unrestricted.

So, a model can not charge a model that is engaging it when it starts its activation. It can charge any other model that it has LoS to and can get there in a straight line.

Teddy is a bit of a special case as he charges out of his activation. So this wouldn't apply anyway. However in the general charge rules it states that you can not charge a model that you are in melee range with.

Hope that clears that up. (Khail is almost always right and when he isn't either Weird-Sketch or Kelmore usually swoop in and correct it. It's why they are the Marshals.)

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So LDP is not a cheating bugger, a certain Zoraida-toting miscreant is!

My Steamborg will charge wild and free!

I'm not guessing when I answer a rules question, heh. Trust me - this is how it works.

Thankee kindly, we need law in these parts.

That brings a whole new world of utility to the Toss ability.

If you didn't finish them off you can throw them out of melee and wait until one of your crew makes them fail a Morale duel.

Very nice.

Maybe then poor my Seamus wouldn't have got his face melted by Rasputina on her next activation.

Biting Chill doesn't have the little ranged gun so she can burn face in melee as well...and then would have had to finish you off with good old fisticuffs! Oh the depravity :)

Edited by Wombats
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So LDP is not a cheating bugger, a certain Zoraida-toting miscreant is!

Can I get the above, in a signed affidavit? I can produce it at tournaments, then proceed to bend the rules with impunity.

No one would dare question my integrity then!

-Thankee (are you a Steven King fan by any chance Wombats?)

Edited by Hapless Peon
poor typist is poor
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Can I get the above, in a signed affidavit? I can produce it at tournaments, then proceed to bend the rules with impunity.

I can have Tina engrave it on Seamus's smug face with Biting Chil if you'd like? Next game? I'll bring my furry hat.

-Thankee (are you a Steven King fan by any chance Wombats?)

Nope, but he likes to steal from Howard Lovecraft and sometimes I cry a little inside that old HP never got to see the internets.

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I found the 'smell fear' ability combined with pandoras trigger works very well.

Reading the appropriate skills I don't think that works.

Pandora's trigger says: After defender loses a WP resist duel it falls back.

Smell fear: If a model loses a moral duel...

Pandora's trigger forces a model to fall back without a lost moral duel.

Edited by Csonti
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Isn't a Morale duel just more specific type of Willpower resisted duel?

Indeed. But the question is not that in this case.

Smell Fear triggers when somebody loses a Moral Duel. But the target of Mental Anguish could fall back without a Moral Duel. And that in itself would not trigger Smell Fear.

Unless of course said lost WP duel was a Moral Duel in itself, but in that case you don't need Mental Anguish anyway. :)

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Falling back due to Mental Anguish would 100% not trigger Teddy's Smell Fear.

All Moral Duels are Wp duels, but not all Wp duels are Moral Duels.

She works well with Teddy becuase she makes everyone within 12" suddenly have the chance to flee when Teddy gets close. Project Emotions on the target before hand to give them the negative flip on Wp duels kills any chance of cheating the flip and then Trapped in Your Own Nightmare can be a ton of fun on a Projected Emotions model when Teddy is near. Everything.... is ... so ...scarey... AHH! Teddy Beaaarrrghhhh *wet meat squishing noises*

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All Moral Duels are Wp duels, but not all Wp duels are Moral Duels.

Smell Fear triggers when somebody loses a Moral Duel. But the target of Mental Anguish could fall back without a Moral Duel. And that in itself would not trigger Smell Fear.

Unless of course said lost WP duel was a Moral Duel in itself, but in that case you don't need Mental Anguish anyway. :)

I hate it when I lose a moral duel. I end up doing bad stuff.:)

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