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Impulse Buy. What to do list wise

Stitched Flesh

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Hi There :)

New to Malifaux and have got a few miniatures on the way.

I have always loved Herbert West and Frankenstein type stories so I was drawn to McMourning straight away.

I have the McMourning box, Necropunks and Convict 'slinger enroute with the ruleset.

Obviously I'm not 100% on the exact dynamics yet but if anyone want's to throw out some ideas for lists/strategies using these models at 25ss-30ss matches that would be grand.

I found the crew builder file and it looks like you don't pay the SS cost for your master? If that's right this is the rough idea I have fr a 25SS encounter.




Necropunk x 3

That's 20SS. How many SS should I leave in the kitty or is there better value in taking some canine remains or something to fill out the 25SS?

Thanks...and hopefully I'll make more sense after I get the rules and read them :)

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I think you can get by with 3/4 SS as only the master can use them, so with only 6 turns for McM you wont need a lot - more figures can give an advantage in activation, especially with Seb + dogs as they can 'companion' and swarm an opponent.

A strategy guide would be very unwieldy as it depends which 'strategy' you pick from the book - they play quite differently.

Generally use Seb to create body parts by action or melee attack, dogs take them back to McM/Seb who then create new models. Havent tried this yet but it seems quite good compared with Nico who really needs something to die to be able to reanimate more fighters.

btw Convict Gunslinger appears to be a very popular choice to accompany Team Green.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK I finally got my minis and the rule book on hand.

Loving the look of the models and I like the feel of the McMournings crew now I have been able to check out that stats and rules in a little detail.

Just a quick question. Does anyone running McM make much use of the healing powers of Sebastian and the Nurse? Does this crew need to balance dishing out the hurt and healing it or have Masters found this to be a waste of actions?

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Well, the McMourning box is a difficult one to play with no changes. The nurses are slightly expensive support peices that don't really have much use. Since all of their big buffs kill the model they're used on, there's not a lot of times you're going to want to put those on your big bad construct, ha ha. But healing can definitely be very nice. If that flesh construct can get healed up, he can keep swinging. If you like the idea of the nurses, I suggest getting some Necropunks, or if you're not opposed to proxies, some canine remains. Either of these are a rad target for massive dose, and can turn into little missiles of death, then turn into corpses for McMourning to turn into another construct.

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If only the Nurses had (0) Link, they would be so much more efficient. As it stands, you have to think a little far ahead in the turn with the Nurses. In the starter, they are a little weak, but if you don't mind proxies, the starter is great if you want to pop out Canine Remains early game. Turn 2-3 SS into Body Parts in the start of the game, and then use McM to attack/heal the FG into getting more Body parts either via spells or attacks. Use a Nurses to heal him up, and you should have 2-3 more Body Parts from that turn. Sure, that took you a turn, but now you can either pop out some doggies, or a whole new second FG, and then have them run around in Golem/Nurse pairs with the Nurses providing Armor/Df with Attendant/Bedside Manner, and the Golems running around beating face.

Seabass and McM can do their thing solo, and are very self sufficient. It isn't a bad idea to give Seabass a Body Part early as well, as he can use it to heal himself until he gets into combat, and then he can go several turns without needing support and simply healing himself.

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I have a set of 3 necropunks and the convict 'slinger too at this time. I am figuring 1 nurse at 25-30SS will probably be plenty. Canine remains seem like a no brainer for a McM + Seb list so I'm sure I'll make a plan down that line shortly.

Can someone point out in the rules where killed models leave corpse counters? I can see specific entries against the FG and necro-punks but I haven't found an entry for the generation of counters by other models.

Cheers :)

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The reason that those models specify what they drop is because normally Constructs drop scrap counters. In this case, they drop corpse tokens instead.

Otherwise, all living and non-spirit undead models that are killed [not sacrificed] drop counters in relation to their base size. [With the except of Judge].

Constructs that are killed usually drop scrap counters, HOWEVER, I believe the constructs will usually tell you what they drop if they deviate from the norm.

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Thanks. I found the specific reference under the graverobber rules.

I have read through the rules a couple of times now and I think I'm starting to get a handle on things.

I have a question about triggers though. Do you need to get your trigger suit requirement in your combat or casting flip for it to go off or will it work if you get the suit requirement in the damage flip too? Probably a dumb question but there you go.

Cheers :)

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I have a question about triggers though. Do you need to get your trigger suit requirement in your combat or casting flip for it to go off or will it work if you get the suit requirement in the damage flip too? Probably a dumb question but there you go.

Cheers :)

Yeah, in the combat or casting flip. Not in the damage flip.

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