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Hey, just here checking out the game. I managed to get only a rather poor introduction to Malifaux at Gencon and based on the recommendation of several people I trust I'd like to give it another chance.

I'm hoping to pick up a rulebook soon and go from there. As for starting masters, I think I'm looking at probably Lady J and Zoraida to start out with, although Lilith looks interesting too.

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I don't think you will be disappointed Db :) I also think you should go with Lady J because honestly, doesn't everyone want to play on the winning team? The Arcanists and such will give you thier propoganda but, at the end of the day, the Guild is the only real Law in town...

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I have only gotten the book so far, but have really fallen in love with the world and background. The figs are awsome as well. My FLGS game group have all decided what crews they want to get, even though the FLGS can't get it in yet. Were all waiting with baited breath for ACD or Alliance to pick it up!

It really is an interesting and unique setting.

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Welcome, dboeren!

We've shared threads in other fora but I wanted to stop by and say welcome aboard. Wyrd has been one of my favorite high-flavor/artisan sculpt/superior customer service mini-companies for a while now and Malifaux, as a game, really seems to do the minis justice (Lady Justice, that is...). That, plus you've obviously got good taste in Masters (I've got Zoraida coming and bought both Lady J and Lilith at GenCon). I own a ton of their individual minis already (Perdita, several of the Arcanists' beasties, some of the Resurrectionist characters 'cause they're just so darn creepy).

You have chosen wisely.

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Welcome, dboeren!

We've shared threads in other fora but I wanted to stop by and say welcome aboard. That, plus you've obviously got good taste in Masters (I've got Zoraida coming and bought both Lady J and Lilith at GenCon). I own a ton of their individual minis already (Perdita, several of the Arcanists' beasties, some of the Resurrectionist characters 'cause they're just so darn creepy).

Among the Resurrectionists I kind of like Nicodem, but mostly I think I'm a fan of the Neverborn. I'll make an exception for the Lady J/Death Marshalls though since I do want a box from a different faction for demo purposes.

woot i get to see you on another forum:)

welcome to the group man.

Thanks, there really do seem to be a lot of familiar faces in here. That's a good sign, if you see people you recognize from other game forums that means you like the same sort of games and will probably like this one too.

I've ordered my rulebook, hoping it will get here Wednesday or Thursday at the latest...

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Among the Resurrectionists I kind of like Nicodem, but mostly I think I'm a fan of the Neverborn. I'll make an exception for the Lady J/Death Marshalls though since I do want a box from a different faction for demo purposes.

Thanks, there really do seem to be a lot of familiar faces in here. That's a good sign, if you see people you recognize from other game forums that means you like the same sort of games and will probably like this one too.

I've ordered my rulebook, hoping it will get here Wednesday or Thursday at the latest...

Well you have the advantage on most of us, as the direct warehouse is in georgia already. so the only limit on speed is the queue in front of you and the existing stock.

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Actually I ordered from TheWarstore as I had to pick up a couple of other items at the same time and this way I don't have to pay shipping twice.

You're right though, they're not far away at all. Probably about 10 minutes from Hobbytown in Kennesaw where I often go to play, a bit further from where I actually live but quite reasonable.

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