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Tuesday Tussles at RIW Hobbies, Livonia, MI


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Taking Marcus against Josh's Res tomorrow (unless he's grown too cowardly). I hear Sinsation is planning a return ~8 if anyone's up for the wait around. Sooner or later I'm going to have to try a Lawyer with the big man. I'm just too used to face smashing to tweak it out for some clever spell slinging. Still, if he can get going on morale dueling trickery that might be effective. I just don't like relying on something that's largely out of my control...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great gaming even for showing up so late. Although I had to sandblast the sweat off of myself after that sauna room.

Holy hell, but the Viktorias with Von Schill and Librarian are going to be something to cope with. Rasputina dumped everything to take down VonS in one activation, hitting him, burning stones, dumping high cards, getting overpower. He tweaks out a Stone to keep himself alive at just 1 Wd. Next turn he activated, rockets away to find the Librarian to heal him to near full. What the hell! Unstoppable.

Good to see Mike wasn't scared off last week when I beat him up with Marcus so severely (yeah, yeah, Marcus lost to a noob playing his first game - I probably let him win or something. Marcus usually wins every match).

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Yeah, I've won two games in a row now... a clear sign that you guys are throwing the games to get me to come back. :-)

I won't be there tomorrow, but I should be able to be there on the 21st, and my 12 year old daughter has asked to come as well. She's very excited about war gaming in general and Malifaux in particular. LET THE NERD TRAINING BEGIN!

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Hey nerdelemental would you be up for a game tonight?

I'd love to! But Glenn and I are supposed to do a big 50pt brawl.

He might coward out. He's unreliable. If he wusses on me, I'm your huckleberry.

I'm not up next week for a minor old man surgery but the week after I'll take you on no matter what (unless I die on the table)! Might even run a Master I've never run before! Woot!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, guys. I won't be out tonight. :disappoin

Things should be better next week, and hopefully I'll have my daughter with me. If so, I'll bring soap to wash out the mouths of the Warmachine players.


Yeah. those guys are out'a control. They should be banned.

Did Sara(h?) survive the experience or has she sworn off miniature gaming for life?

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Sarah made it through more or less unscathed. She's going into 7th grade next year, so I doubt there's much language she hasn't heard at school (at least if her middle experience is similar to what mine was.)

She thought it was interesting, but a little boring. I'm going to try a game or two at home with her and her 10 year-old sister before bringing her back, and then I might co-pilot a game and let her run her Neverborn against someone.

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  • 2 months later...

Awesome to see Hakomike back on the table!

Good to continue to see our Jackson brethren making the haul nearly every week. Good game, Bill! You handled the Dreamer shenanigans pretty well, even knocking me around some unexpectedly. Sorry he's such a pain in the ass to deal with. I didn't design him. ;)

Dave K should be back out sooner or later and I'll show him some Dreamer love. :P

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