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Minis and Scenery- Bayou Shack


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Some of you may or may not know but I'm the owner of http://www.minisandscenery.com.

To celebrate the release of Malifaux, I have started a new scenery range: Victorian Horror, that will feature buildings and boards designed with Malifaux in mind.

I will do my best to deliver scenery with the same level of quality that we find in Wyrd miniatures, while keeping the look and feel of Malifaux.

This is not "Official" scenery, but I'm really hoping Nathan and Eric will like the range and will give me their feedback.

The first building will be the "Bayou Shack", a resin and hard plaster set, available painted or unpainted, coming with 20 additional scenery elements.


Here is the first teaser,


Next preview on August 25th, showing ramps, docks and outhouse.

Third preview on August 30th, showing the building itself.

The "Bayou Shack" is scheduled for release on September 5th.

All feedback welcome.

Thanks for reading

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Hey Raf, you picked out my ABSOLUTE favorite bit of inspiational art from the what Malifaux looks like thread. Making stuff like this is my thing, SO...I won't be much of a customer for complete buildings. HOWEVER, even the most ardent DIY Guy has thingys they'd rather buy than make themselves. Your REALLY COOL accessory pieces would have a definite appeal to folks like moi. I wish you MUCH SUCCESS with your project, Amigo! :fing02:

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...even the most ardent DIY Guy has thingys they'd rather buy than make themselves. Your REALLY COOL accessory pieces would have a definite appeal to folks like moi. I wish you MUCH SUCCESS with your project, Amigo! :fing02:

Tell me about it, I once bought a 850 Euros "Minas Tirith" model.

At this time I was working as a salesman and there was no way I could find the time to make a big model like that.

Still, I'am sure the unpainted versions will appeal to people making their own scenery. A good base for conversion or to integrate it on a custom board, (and a lot of painting to do!) there still will be a lot of things to do or to add for the DIY guys.

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