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Taelor - Lady Hammerstrike


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For the NMM metals on her i did this:

(Starting with primer black and then using P3 Paints)

for the Dark Silver:

1) Base coat of Greatcoat Gray (A dark charcoal gray)

2) Blend in on all but the "deepest" spots with Bastion Gray (a lighter gray than charcoal but still on the darker side) Blending all the way up to Bastion gray

3) Starting with the area that is pure Bastion Gray I then blended in Cryx Bane Highlight (a much lighter gray). Blending all the way again to pure Cryx bane in a small area that is the "highest" point. Ex. the Cryx bane is the the half moon shape on her forearm plate.

fore the Gold/Bronze:

1) Base coat with Gun Crops Brown (a mid brown)

2) Blend up to a 50/50 Gun Crops and Hammerfall Khaki (a khaki color)

3) Blend In Molddy Ochre (a dark yellow more on the brown side)

For different kinds of steal you can add a frost colored blue in to give it that blued shinny steal look for your final highlight. The trick i found more than anything is don't be afraid of very quick almost exaggerated transitions form dark to light on metals or it does not come out looking right.

Ex of "blued" steal on Viktoria's Sword:



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What color is your primer for her? Greatcoat is a very blue grey and all of the other greys you've listed are very green. I use the Cryx Bane Base - Bastion - Cryx Bane Highlight as a recipe for nice black cloth (got it from Commander_Y), and it's definitely not that kind of color. White undercoat?

That's not to say I don't like it. I'm just curious. Taelor is still my favorite Wyrd model, and I now actually own 3 (yeah, don't ask). You've done a nice job painting her. She'll make you happy when you get her card.

Edited by AoM
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