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Alderac anounces 'The Adventurers'

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Adventure Awaits!



The Adventurers and the Temple of Chac is a new and exciting board game unlike any you’ve played before. From AEG and Dust Games, The Adventurers features a fast-paced thrilling run through the Temple of Chac, the Mayan rain god. As your intrepid adventurers delve through the ruins, they will face deadly traps guarding the ancient relics they prize.

Featuring beautiful miniatures and exciting pieces to construct the traps of the temple, The Adventurers is one adventure you won’t want to miss!


Bill Baker


Eminent professor of Mesoamerican archaeology, he is also a rugged and untiring adventurer.

Special Ability: Stamina

Doctor Montana “Bill” Baker loves his country, but he’s not too fond of being named after a state. Fortunately, Bill has shown countless times that he is smart enough – and tough enough – to be called whatever he feels like! During the school year, Bill is the head lecturer at the department of anthropology at the University of Illinois, but during the breaks Bill travels the world looking for ancient artifacts. Bill fancies himself an ordinary Joe, and believes that everyone should have the right to see the treasures of the ancient world on display in public museums.

Bill was a golden gloves boxer in his earlier years, and he has the reputation for being as stubborn as an ox. After finding the priceless Golden Ham of Gola-Gal, Bill’s reputation soared; there’s even been a series of cheap novels written about his exploits. He may be the most famous treasure-hunter in the world, but don’t think his reputation is overstated – Bill’s as tough as they come, and he refuses to go home empty-handed!

Professor Trevor Griffith


Ancient and esoteric languages expert, he can quickly identify strange glyphs.

Special Ability: Linguistics

Don’t let his appearance fool you: Trevor Griffith is as spry and able as any young man in his employ. At seventy-eight years young, Trevor has served on the faculty of the department of Linguistics at Cambridge for almost thirty-five years, and he has never allowed tenure to be an excuse to slow down. His primary field of study is ancient and lost tongues, and, over the years, his field research has supplanted his other hobbies as his favorite holiday getaway.

While Trevor is game to travel the world for another forty years, his wife, however, is beginning to talk about slowing down. Trevor loves his work, but he loves his wife even more – so he has told his beloved Petunia that he wants to have one last expedition, a find greater than any he has studied before: the Temple of Chac!

Lea Rice


A dauntless young woman, whose long legs will carry her swiftly away from danger.

Special Ability: Sprint

Hailing from South Africa, Lea is the daughter of the famous explorer Edgar Rice, who vanished from the face of the earth while exploring the Ruins of Toltec ten years ago. Since then, she has worked tirelessly to live up to the towering reputation Edgar left behind after his mysterious disappearance, and while they wouldn’t mention it to her face, many of her colleagues believe that she may exceed her father’s feats. She hopes to add the treasures of the Temple of Chac to her already-impressive trophies, and if she succeeds she plans on using them to finance her next expedition: the Ruins of Toltec, the one place her father couldn’t conquer!

During her childhood, Lea vowed not to follow in Edgar’s footsteps, despite sharing his love of exploring new places and learning about ancient cultures. Instead, she focused her attentions on athletics, training in cross-country running and the hundred-meter dash. Lea was the alternate for South Africa’s Olympic sprinting team two years running, but after her father’s disappearance she no longer felt like running away. However, her years of training have served her well – her quick reflexes and swift feet have safely gotten her out of more than one seemingly impossible situation!

Nicole Lagger


A daring young woman in top physical condition, she quenches her thirst for treasure by hopping from one expedition to the next.

Special Ability: Leap

Former cover-girl Nicole Lagger was once at home on the runway, but now she feels more comfortable climbing through the dirt and dust of ancient ruins. Nicole’s new life began when she took part in a fashion show at the Metropolitan Museum of Archeology – she had never before seen beauty like the artifacts displayed in the museum, and was heartbroken when the curators told her that none of the treasures were for sale. Most people would be satisfied with seeing ancient artifacts in the museum, but not Nicole Lagger – she vowed to find treasures of her own!

Using the tremendous wealth generated by the canny investment of her modeling revenues, Nicole funded an expedition to a Himalayan treasure cache, and went along in order to make sure her investment panned out. The expedition was a disaster, and most of the members died, but Nicole survived and found that she craved the excitement and danger of exploring ancient tombs. Now, the globe-hopping model has become a globe-hopping treasure hunter. She has raided countless tombs to add their treasures to her private collection, and she plans on raiding the Temple of Chac next!

Puccio Cortese


Former sailor turned treasure hunter, his particular relationship to water gives him an undeniable advantage in this element.

Special Ability: Swimming

The “man with no fate,” Puccio has survived countless adventures and faced hundreds of threats that would have killed an ordinary man – but Puccio is no ordinary man! As a child, he decided that the whims of destiny had no hold on him: he would forge his own path in the world. That evening, he boarded a ship heading south, and he has sought out adventure every day since. Since then, in times where it seemed like he was doomed, he has simply decided that his story would not end there. From the shores of the unknown lost continent to the battlefields of Asia, Puccio has faced his end countless times and kept going.

Puccio’s years on the freighter La Nina have served him well – he fears neither the roughest high seas nor the blackness of the deepest cave. While he may look a bit old and out-of-shape, he is as quick and spry as a man half his age, especially in the water. While the other explorers of the Temple of Chac think Puccio is dead weight at best, Puccio views his fellow adventurers with an endearing bemusement. For them, the Temple is the adventure of a lifetime. For Puccio, it’s a weekend vacation.

Markus Bassler


True genius of crime, this infamous character only cares about the cash he will make when he sells the spoils of his plunder.

Special Ability: Lock Picking

His face is known by every member of the French maréchaussée. Mere rumors of his presence can put the entire Berlin office of the BKA into action. He is always near the top of the FBI’s most wanted list, and an entire sub-division of Interpol is dedicated to tracking his activities and the activities of his subordinates. He is the Prince of Pilfering, the Sultan of Stealing, the Czar of Theft, the Genius of Crime: Markus Bassler. No treasure is too rare, no masterpiece too well guarded for him to claim it as his own. He has a hundred contacts in every city, and a thousand safe-houses around the globe. No safe keep him out, and no cell can hold him.

Markus’s criminal empire is untouchable, and he has but one problem: the thrill is gone. He has, quite simply, become too good at the ancient art of theft. In order to get some of the old sparkle back, Markus devised a cunning plan: to steal the treasures of the ancient world before they were even re-discovered. Several of the largest and richest museums in the world have offered tremendous rewards for the prizes within the Temple of Chac, and Markus plans on denying them all their treasures – before they can first claim them!

Martin Fletcher


This charismatic Adventurer is an unrivaled runner, which has always pulled him out of many tricky situations until now.

Special Ability: Sprint

Born and raised on the Green Isle of Ireland, big game hunter Martin Fletcher always seemed a little out of place on the savanna. A middle-class Irish boy surrounded by the upper crust of Europe, Martin was often considered by his snooty colleagues to be as feral as one of the animals they were hunting. Martin, however, knew that he was a hunter by nature, not pretending to be one for leisure. Swift and sharp, with lightning-fast reflexes, Martin has never failed to bag his prey – an ability he has ably parlayed into other pursuits.

Once the Temple of Chac was discovered, a consortium of European business interests sought Martin out to lead their expedition into the Temple. His employers believe that Martin’s tremendous athleticism, keen senses, and uncanny ability to escape quickly from dangerous situations will allow him to find inanimate artifacts as easily as wild beasts, and Martin will try his hardest to prove them right!

Arely Tamay


This young Guatemalan of noble descent (a Mayan princess as genuine as they come) has a definite advantage over her competitors: her perfect knowledge of her culture of origin.

Special Ability: Linguistics

Arely is a young woman who finally has found a home, and refuses to allow anyone else to take any part of it from her – no matter how small. For the first six years of her life, Arely grew up in an orphanage, unaware of her parents or her heritage. On her sixth birthday, she was found and adopted by the president of an international shipping consortium, Arthur Tamay. Unbeknownst to Arely, Arthur was an old friend of her parents – a pair of famous local guides and explorers who claimed to trace their lineage back to the Mayan Kings. Despite being surrounded by wealth, Arely felt strangely disconnected from her new life. She tried to surround herself with wealth and fortune, playing the role of the spoiled heiress, but she never forgot the suffering she endured in the orphanage.

All that changed when she visited the temples at Tikal. She felt strangely drawn to the ancient monuments, as if they awakened something deep within her. Arthur was loathe to reveal the truth of her heritage, as he did not want to lose the young girl as he once lost her parents, but he could not deny his “little princess” for long. Arely attended the finest universities, studying the history of her heritage, and has since become one of the foremost authorities on her ancient culture. However, she has come to believe that the treasures of the ancient temples should belong to her ancestors, not the unknowing world at large – and if she must claim them herself to keep them from falling into the wrong hands, she will not hesitate to do so.

Tatiana Bregovic


They say she is cold as ice, and her rivals are always amazed when they see how fast she can move in freezing water.

Special Ability: Swimming

Tatiana, the Ice Queen of Belarus, once was one of the most feared espionage agents in the world. Trained by her parents, a pair of KGB agent known as “the White Cobras,” Tatiana learned at a young age to hide her true feelings. Her frozen heart has melted only once: for a young explorer she was sent to eliminate before he could find an ancient treasure buried in the Ukrainian steppes. Since that day, Tatiana has become a persona non grata in the intelligence community, but she has vowed to correct her mistake once and for all. Tatiana sees an opportunity in the discovery of the Temple of Chac to once again find the charismatic adventurer and perhaps finish the mission she was given years ago.

Tatiana’s cold demeanor is entirely calculated and intentional – by forcing others to be on the defensive, she gains an instant advantage. She tells herself that she has no qualms about hurting those who might get in her way, but, in moments of weakness, she wishes that she could be more open. She is very physically adept; she garnered the Olympic bronze medal for the backstroke, and her years of training in the cold marshes and lakes of Belorus have made her almost immune to the elements.

Mustafa Ibrahin


Son of a Sahara caravaneer, he is used to traveling the great deserts and has remarkable physical resources.

Special Ability: Stamina

Mustafa’s father, the Imajaghan leader of his tuareg clan, once oversaw trade across three hundred miles of desert. Mustafa’s family saw countless priceless treasures pass through their hands, but, after the Colonialists arrived, the trade dried up. Determined not to allow his son to be a mere guide, Mustafa’s father gathered his family’s vast wealth and sent his son abroad, to study at Oxford as well as the finest schools in the Muslim world. Since his youth, Mustafa has acted with one goal in mind: if the Americans and Europeans were determined to claim the world’s wealth and history as their own, he would claim it first. Since then, Mustafa has explored countless archeological sites, gathering ancient artifacts from around the world.

Mustafa has inherited much of his family’s legendary stamina, as well as his father’s keen foresight. Despite often facing difficulties with local inhabitants and poor funding, Mustafa has quietly become one of the most successful adventurers in the world. More than once, his close-minded rivals have dismissed him as a mere guide or a pastoral oddity, only to find themselves beaten to their goal by the determined son of Ibrahin.

Len Tso Yau


This young Chinese explorer is a brilliant handyman. His exceptional dexterity often saved his life.

Special Ability: Lock Picking

Len Tso Yau, or “Lenny” in explorer circles, is widely considered one of the best people you could meet in an ancient tomb. Despite his rough beginnings as the son of the owners of a corner restaurant in a small Chinese village (and his unfortunate tendency to say whatever immediately comes to his mind), Lenny is both immediately likable and usually very trustworthy. The best part about finding Lenny in a tomb, however, is his ability to make the dankest ancient ruin feel a little like home. Lenny is a self-taught engineer and irrepressible tinkerer, and he has invented hundreds of portable wonders, from the self-heating coffee pot (just add water) to the world’s best portable lantern.

The affable Chinese handyman could easily have made a fortune devising travel aids for the beleaguered adventurer, but he has taken a more direct route and done the adventuring himself. This has allowed him to field-test his creations in some of the harshest climes, and has the beneficial side-effect of offering him funding for his latest gadgets. Lenny’s nimble fingers have served him well both in the shop and on-site, as he is just as good at taking apart traps and locks as he is at assembling his own gadgets.

Vincent Gerondeau


The bouncing Frenchman is the youngest in the group. Despite his young age, he has already shown the qualities required to become a great explorer.

Special Ability: Leap

When young Vincent lost his acrobat parents in a freak accident outside Paris, many in the Cirque Roche believed that the young man would be the first Gerondeau to settle down and have an oridnary life. Twelve-year-Vincent, however, proved them wrong when he ran away from the circus and began a life of adventure. After spending a few years on the streets and roofs of Paris, Vincent joined a “diplomatic expedition to the far East” headed by the famous French explorer, Jaques Clouseau. The “diplomatic expedition” turned out to be a archaeological expedition into the tomb of the Divine Emperor Xiang Xiu, and Vincent found that the dusty catacombs of ancient tombs provided him with a greater and more exciting challenge than any high-wire stunt or rooftop escapade.

Since then, Vincent has tagged along on as many expeditions as he could. Each time, the lead explorer has tried to rid him or herself of the castaway, only to find that the plucky young man was arguably the most valuable member of his team. With so many explorers entering the Temple of Chac, Vincent is sure to find his way in – just as many of his colleagues are sure to underestimate one of the best catacomb-crawlers of the modern age!



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Well this looks kinda cool. May be able to trick my friends into playing this since its a "Board game"

Additional info:

Exclusive GenCon 2009 Release

The Adventurers and the Temple of Chac will go on early sale at GenCon Indy this year. The exclusive sale will be limited to a small number of copies of the game. Due to the low number and the fact that some attendees don’t arrive until the weekend, sales will start Saturday at 11 am at the Alderac Entertainment Group booth in the exhibitor hall, first come first served.

The Adventurers and the Temple of Chac is scheduled for full retail release in October

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reminds me of a similair calibre of Vuurbaleiland ( http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1768 ) when I was younger my school had bought boardgames wich we played on friday and this was one of them, and its also one of those games that just dissapeared.

the board shots are a little bit dissapointed tough, when I saw the first news with miniature pictures and the box covers, I hoped something more along the lines of aforementioned fireball island, legend of zagore and Darkworld (schwarze auge).. 3 games that still bring a smile on my face when I remember them :)



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Hubby and I are thinking of trying to pick one of these up at Gen Con, but I'm really hoping they have one on demo before they go up for sale so we can try it out first. And some of their other games, looks like AEG is ramping up their board and non-CCG card game line quite a bit. The Straw we got from them last year is a fun little card game, and the Tomb board game isn't bad.

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Hubby and I are thinking of trying to pick one of these up at Gen Con, but I'm really hoping they have one on demo before they go up for sale so we can try it out first. And some of their other games, looks like AEG is ramping up their board and non-CCG card game line quite a bit. The Straw we got from them last year is a fun little card game, and the Tomb board game isn't bad.

They should - I'm really interested in this one and two more of their new games which should be coming out at Gencon...

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