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Rackham Legends Releases

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Confrontation : Iraem & Weapon bearer(Cadwallon Noble/Griffin Ambassador)



20.00 EURO

This Box contains a champion and his weapon bearer for the armies of Cadwallon and the Griffin. The figurines of Iraem and his weapon bearer are available in resin miniatures. Designed for collectors and players alike, these finely detailed figurines represent an ambassador and his weapon bearer. Iraem’s game profile and rules will be available at the following Internet address: www.confrontation.fr.

Confrontation : Brinkhz(Orc Conveyor)



20.00 EURO

This Box contains a champion for the armed forces of Cadwallon and the Griffon. The Brinkhz figure is full of details that will delight figurine collectors and painters alike. Additionally, players can deploy it on their gametables using the game profile and rules soon available at the following Internet address: www.confrontation.fr.

AT43 : Lieutenant Francesca Fortuna(Mercenary Officer)


16.00 EURO

This Box contains a mercenary officer (which may be included in any army).Lieutenant Francesca Fortuna is an excellent commander capable, through her“Good Fortune” ability to survive, and to keep her AFV operational far longer than anyother officer. Even if her AFV is destroyed,Lieutenant Francesca Fortuna’s game profile will be available at the following Internet address: www.at-43.com.



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Yep, all their prices on the Legends stuff makes them nothing more than collector's pieces. $20+ for a regular sized miniature is a rip-off no matter how nice the sculpt is.

The sad part is Their pre-painted plastics aren't much better in price (contrary to what Rackham had originally promised). I just checked out the prices on their PPP stuff yesterday, and the prices were averaging around $8-10 per fig for some of them......for PRE-PAINTED PLASTIC?!?!? There are some unit prices that are better in plastic than they were in metal, but some of the plastics are more expensive than the metals were as well.

Some of the Legends releases are really outrageously priced as well. They have some minis that are not too much larger than the biggest of Wyrd minis.....and they cost around 60-70 Euros.....thats right....EUROS...not dollars. That would be around $80-100.

I'll stop before I get too fired up. Let's just say Rackham used to be my favorite miniatures company before they made the big move to PPP....now they are one of my least favorite. It's a good thing Wyrd has stepped up to the plate and continued making quality sculpts that are affordable.

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Not the resin one.

The one that was supposed to have been released for over a year. I know our LGS owner has been struggling forever to get some of those. Even ordered a couple way back when.

I would say its probably pretty low on the priority list at the moment. Belial will most likely be released with the Acheron stuff since that is his most identifiable army, but Acheron stuff hasn't even started being released yet. Also, I doubt they'll release a titan miniature at the initial release of an army (especially since a resin option is already available). They will focus on releasing core troops most likely, followed by some specialized units.

Regardless of what Rackham promised, I wouldn't expect to see Belial in PPP for a long time. Not unless they get in a kick of releasing multiple PPP titans at once. Rackham has been very notorious for not following through with promises in the past, and I doubt things are too much different now, especially since that promise was made back under different management.

edit - one more thing to note: the PPP version of Belial will be the EXACT same sculpt as the resin one. Well....thats what they promised anyway, so take that with a grain of salt.

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I'm saying we never even saw the resin one. I didn't know that they promised a PPP one. :P:

Rackham said a lot of the stuff being released in Resin would be released as a later date in PPP as well. These would use the exact same sculpts. Obviously the PPP wouldn't hold the same level of detail as the resin, but the sculpts would basically look the same.

You originally said "not the resin one." What exactly did you mean? Were you referring to a metal one or something (since you weren't talking about the PPP)? If my memory serves me correct, the entire new Legends stuff has never been anything but Resin so far.

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Nah.... I never really liked the model too much to be honest. Its got loads of detail, but it had a very awkward pose in my opinion. On top of that, I had no use for it other than display...my Rackham gaming consisted of Cadwallon and Hybrid.

The biggest factor though, was the cost.....it was WAY too expensive for how big it was. He isn't much bigger than twice the size of a regular man-sized miniature, and he cost like $60-75. Wyrd has some miniatures that are almost his size for $15. Look at the Mire Golem....that thing is pretty big (and thick), and it costs $15. I haven't seen a side-by-side comparison of the Mire Golem and Belial, but I have seen a comparison between each of those individual minis next to a man-sized mini, and they aren't too far off if I remember correctly. I just remember being very underwhelmed by the size of Belial when I saw the size comparison.

A while back rackham also changed their pricing methods. They used to price based solely on the materials and processes used to make the minis. However, at some point they changed that to have prices reflect the power and usefulness of the miniatures in game. You had some models go down in price, but plenty of them went up as well. Naturally the ones that went up were the popular models since they were the effective ones. If this pricing model is used in these bigger models as well, thats an even higher price tag than the miniature warrants.

Edited by thetang22
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