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Enigma Mini...

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Enigma is a Spanish company. Don't know where you live, but if you're American and want to order from somwhere close, the CMON store sells them. I think they got the latest batch (including this one) in stock this week.

Just as an aside, I know I am not alone in this, the service from the CMON store is attrocious. I've ordered only once and was missing about 40$ in product. The only return eMail I got was along the lines of "We know you got shorted. There was a problem in the web store inventory display code. You'll get more when we're back in stock" which was a funny way of apologizing. The product I was shorted is back in stock on their store, and has been for three weeks.

My eMail's and PM's continue to be ignored. I think they must look at my painting scores and think "Doesn't deserve these" or something.

Only worse place I've ordered from on the 'net is fantization.com, I've never felt more like suing then that order.

If you DO find a place on the net to get some enigma stuff in North America, please post here as this model calls to me. Also I painted up and sold the special edition Morphus hand of null model and need to get another one. Great models from that company! Well, the two I got where anyway...

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I'd also like to point out that Colorado Miniatures also carries Enigma, as well as Andrea and others. I haven't bought from their site so I can't say anything about service or shipping, but they do have some of the harder to find mini lines for us here in the USA. (I noticed their prices are $1-2 higher per mini than at CMON but it's a good back-up site to look for a "must-have now" mini you want)


*EDIT* Actually (my memory is pretty crappy) but I do think I did order from them once, although it was a couple of years ago and only for a few figs. Pretty sure it was a typical order, shipping was neither extremely fast nor slow and I got my order as ordered. Probably why I don't remember it overly well, nothing happened out of the ordinary. Hope this helps, Scott! :)

Edited by Duende
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Scott~I've order from both of those places at least 20 times...give or take and never had a single problem? I know Steve personally from Fantization and he does not run his business how you are describing. With both places, I've received my package(s) within 3-5 business days without problems same with emails from them. I have not idea what's happened in your case but to say you think they're not sending you them because of your "painting scores"...that's really stretching it a bit...don't you think!?!?

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yep I agree there .. never really had a probem with CMON but in most cases I tend to go direct to the company for the models .. I'm no sure what shipping is like to The US so couldn't say but the service direct from enigma is spot on plus they do quite a large selection of parts and some excellent little basing bits and pieces ...

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Scott~I've order from both of those places at least 20 times...give or take and never had a single problem? I know Steve personally from Fantization and he does not run his business how you are describing. With both places, I've received my package(s) within 3-5 business days without problems same with emails from them. I have not idea what's happened in your case but to say you think they're not sending you them because of your "painting scores"...that's really stretching it a bit...don't you think!?!?

Of course it's a stetch, and a joke. Except for the crap service, that's no joke. When I order from companies it's not about making mistakes, that happens to everyone, it's about how they fix them. If you want some real entertainment check out one of the many threads on coolminiornot about getting refunds on auction credits.

Take Wyrd for example. I have made two orders and one has yet to arrive from jan of this year..... BUT... I have been in constant communication with Nathan and I have 100% confidence in the order. In fact, he was willing to ship out a new order immediately once the problem was discovered but we both agreed to let it wait for a while to see if it showed up or not. That's good service.

As for Fantization and Steve.... if you know him please ask him about order #2899. Paid 70 bucks US for express priority shipping on a 430$ order placed Dec 12/08. Still waiting for some of it, and the first bit I did get was lucky enough to come to me just after christmas. perfect. I seriously have to phone him ('cause he doesn't respond to eMail) once every couple of weeks to get some progress. My only experience with Fantization can accurately be described as a nightmare. He had no problem taking my money but as we just passed the 4 month anniversary of my order without me having the product I feel very comfortable saying that in my dealing with Steve he has shown me nothing but incompetence and indifference. Never again. If that's not his typical business practice then it only frustrates me further to hear that I have won the crap lottery in getting such extremely poor service. I invite you to show him this message and see if he has something to say about it. He may be a decent dude but he is really, really bad at his job.

But the good news is that it looks like there's some other places to get the enigma stuff from this end of the world. There super cool mini's.

Thus concludes the threadjack.

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Well I'm really sorry for the trouble you have gone through...I would be the same way if I were in your shoes. On the other end of the spectrum, it could be were you live and how your postal service is...I've heard nightmare stories regarding post in certain areas of Europe & Canada...you could be an unfortunate person because of this? Selling on Ebay, I've ran into this type of situation...sent the package out, does not show up for a month or 2, they want their money back, Ebay gives it to them and then they send me an email staying they just got the package!?!? And then EBAY doesn't give me my money back!!! I lost $500.00 plus the miniatures/games but you got some of your stuff and will probably get the rest...I did not get my money or stuff but that guy sure did!!! Like you said...call him,he has an 800 number and demand your stuff! If you paid with a credit/bank card then call them and put in a fraud case...THINK SMARTER...NOT HARDER!!!!

And that's how we conclude this situation!

Edited by thewartoad
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